Ok, I have 2 tables that I need to do a comparison to. The idea is to show anyone in the database who has not purchased a specific product.
Table 1
UserID Customer ProductsSold 1 John Cookies 2 Susan Cake 3 Jim Bread
Table 2
ProductCode ProductDesc Cookies 1 doz Cookies Cake 8-in cake Bread Loaf of bread
What I am wanting to come back is
1 John Cake 1 John Bread 2 Susan Cookies 2 Susan Bread 3 Jim Cookies 3 Jim Cake
So, I am stuck at figuring out the code as I don’t have an ID match between the tables, only the Product name match. I know this is easy but I am drawing a blank right now.
Also, sorry for the poor formatting
General all possible combinations using cross join
and filter out the ones that exist:
select n.id, n.name, t2.productcode from (select distinct id, name from table1) n cross join table2 t2 left join table1 t1 on t1.id = n.id and t2.productcode = t1.productsold where t1.id is null;