I’m trying to concat a text field based on a separate field and sequence number. For this example let’s say the fields I have are employee ID, Sequence#, and Comments. The comments field is limited by a certain number of characters so there can be multiple comment fields for the same employee ID sorted by the sequence number. I would like to get 1 line per employee ID and concat all the comments together into one.
What @zohar posted is how I would do it with SQL 2017+. On Pre-2017 systems you’ll have to go the XML PATH route.
DECLARE @table TABLE (employee_ID INT, [sequence] INT, Comment VARCHAR(100)); INSERT @table VALUES (1234,1,'Ate Pizza'),(1234,2,'..then more bread'), (9999,1,'Drank Malort'),(9999,2,'... then regretted it'); SELECT t.Employee_Id, [Sequence] = 1, Comment = ( SELECT Comment+'' FROM @table AS t2 WHERE t.employee_ID = t2.employee_ID FOR XML PATH('') ) --Comment = STRING_AGG(Comment, CHAR(10)+CHAR(13)) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY [Sequence]) FROM @Table AS t GROUP BY Employee_Id;
Employee_Id Sequence Comment ----------- ----------- ----------------------------------------- 1234 1 Ate Pizza..then more bread 9999 1 Drank Malort... then regretted it
To protect against special XML characters (a problem STRING_AGG does not have) you would append the code to look like this:
SELECT t.Employee_Id, [Sequence] = 1, Comment = ( SELECT Comment+'' FROM @table AS t2 WHERE t.employee_ID = t2.employee_ID FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE ).value('text()[1]','varchar(100)') FROM @Table AS t GROUP BY Employee_Id;