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Selecting all data from one table where conditions are met in another table

Say I have two tables:

Table enterprise:

  • id > integer
  • name > text
  • created_on > date

Table contact:

  • id > integer
  • enterprise_id > integer (matching from table Prime)
  • first_name > text
  • last_name > text
  • created_on > date

I want to select all contacts of enterprises, created after January 1, 2010. What I have so far is Select contact.* FROM `contact` WHERE created_date < 01012010 00:00:00 but I don’t think this checks the enterprise table?



In order to check the other table, too, you could use JOIN (INNER JOIN in this case).

The general format for that is this:

Or specifically for your question:

To actually check the other table you might also want to elaborate the WHERE statement. For further explanations and especially examples, you might want to visit; they got plenty of help for SQL.

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