I have a running script using Raw SQL in Laravel 5.3 controller which I found it slow and not secure ( as Raw ). If there any way to make it more effecient and convert it to eloquent or Query Builder for Laravel ?
code as below & Thanks !
SELECT machine_code, machine_name FROM factory_equipment WHERE machine_code NOT IN ( SELECT distinct(machine_code) FROM echecklist_data WHERE DATE_FORMAT(date, '%Y-%m-%d') = CURDATE() ) AND type='production' ORDER BY machine_code ASC
I managed to get it working using laravel’s query. Hope it helps others
DB::table('factory_equipment') ->select('factory_equipment.machine_code', 'factory_equipment.machine_name') ->leftjoin('echecklist_data', function ($leftjoin) { $leftjoin->on('factory_equipment.machine_code', '=', 'echecklist_data.machine_code') ->Where( DB::raw("DATE_FORMAT(echecklist_data.date, '%Y-%m-%d')"), DB::raw("CURDATE()") ); }) ->where('factory_equipment.type' , '=', 'production') ->whereNull('echecklist_data.machine_code') ->get();