If having a table looking like this:
last_updated, uuid, headline, topics 2020-01-01, abc123, "BigQuery is nice", ['big query', 'data warehousing', 'trouble'] 2020-01-02, abc123, "BigQuery is nice", ['big query', 'data warehousing', 'trouble']
And I only want to return one row, the last updated, how can I do this considering topics includes an array/nested field?
Do I need to unnest and nest again or is there some nifty trick?
You can use aggregation:
select array_agg(t order by last_updated limit 1)[ordinal(1)].* from t group by uid;
The above is BigQuery-specific. A more traditional method is to use row_number()
select t.* except (seqnum) from (select t.*, row_number() over (partition by uid order by last_updated desc) as seqnum from t ) t where seqnum = 1;