I am working on nested Google Analytics data to build a query, I need to unnest 3 levels in order to get all the fields I need, but once I have unnested the SUM() of my .totals
fields are far too high, I assume because their values are being repeated.
I have no way if identifying, for example, bounces, at hit level, so I need to use totals.bounces
to get this value.
How could I adjust my query below to get the correct sum for bounces and revenue, alongside my totals for the unnested values?
SELECT customDimension.value AS UserID, # Visits from this individual SUM(totals.visits) AS visits, # Orders from this individual COUNT(DISTINCT hits.transaction.transactionId) AS orders, # AOV SAFE_DIVIDE(SUM(hits.transaction.transactionRevenue)/1000000 , COUNT(DISTINCT hits.transaction.transactionId)) AS AOV, #Bounces from this individual IFNULL(SUM(totals.bounces), 0) AS bounces, IFNULL(SUM(hits.transaction.transactionRevenue)/1000000, 0) AS revenue, # Conversion rate of the individual SAFE_DIVIDE(COUNT(DISTINCT hits.transaction.transactionId),COUNT(DISTINCT CONCAT(CAST(fullVisitorId AS STRING),CAST(visitId AS STRING)))) AS conversion_rate, ROUND(IFNULL(SUM(totals.bounces)/COUNT(DISTINCT CONCAT(CAST(fullVisitorId AS STRING),CAST(visitId AS STRING))), 0),5) AS bounce_rate, FROM `MY.DATA.ga_sessions_20*` AS t CROSS JOIN UNNEST (hits) AS hits CROSS JOIN UNNEST(t.customdimensions) AS customDimension CROSS JOIN UNNEST(hits.product) AS hits_product WHERE parse_date('%y%m%d', _table_suffix) between DATE_sub(current_date(), interval 7 day) and DATE_sub(current_date(), interval 1 day) AND customDimension.index = 2 AND customDimension.value NOT LIKE "true" AND customDimension.value NOT LIKE "false" AND customDimension.value NOT LIKE "undefined" AND customDimension.value IS NOT NULL GROUP BY UserID, hits.eventInfo.eventCategory
Now that I have a little more experience with BigQuery, I can answer this question based on how I achieve this today.
Using WITH()
I create multiple queries and includes onto the fields I need at those levels, for example, my first WITH()
statement will have no unnesting and will correctly sum the totals.
fields. A second WITH()
can then UNNEST()
the hits level and sum the fields I want to count within here.
These queries can then be united with a common join and will show the correct values, without duplication, at each level of the unnesting.