Having this table representing users subscriptions:
CREATE TABLE `subscriptions` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL, `email` varchar(255) DEFAULT NOT NULL, `created_at` datetime NOT NULL );
There can be multiple records with the same email.
How can I get the number of new subscriptions per month and the number of subscription renewals per month?
Let’s say a subscription was made with email “aaa@a.com” in July 2018. If another subscription is made in August 2018 with “aaa@a.com”, it’s a renewal. All subscriptions that was made in August 2018 where the email is not registered in July 2018 are new subscriptions.
You can do this by determining the first time a subscriber is seen:
select year(created_at), month(created_at), count(*) as num_subscribers, sum( min_ca = created_at ) as num_new_subscribers, sum( min_ca > created_at ) as num_renewals from subscriptions s join (select email, min(created_at) as min_ca from subscriptions s group by email ) ss on s.email = ss.email group by year(created_at), month(created_at);