I have a query that fetch the sum of quantity of a certain date with a GROUP BY
, but the query is giving me NULL
results and not aggregating some values.
Here is the query:
Select VPC.Armazem as TARMA ,YEAR(VPC.data) as DataTotal ,CASE WHEN VP.combustivel = 1 THEN ISNULL(SUM(VPL.QTD), 0) END as ADITIVADA ,CASE WHEN VP.combustivel = 2 THEN ISNULL(SUM(VPL.QTD), 0) END as X98 ,CASE WHEN VP.combustivel = 3 THEN ISNULL(SUM(VPL.QTD), 0) END as X95 ,CASE WHEN VP.combustivel = 4 THEN ISNULL(SUM(VPL.QTD), 0) END as XGAS ,CASE WHEN VP.combustivel = 5 THEN ISNULL(SUM(VPL.QTD), 0) END as XGPL ,CASE WHEN VP.combustivel = 6 THEN ISNULL(SUM(VPL.QTD), 0) END as XAGR ,CASE WHEN VP.combustivel = 7 THEN ISNULL(SUM(VPL.QTD), 0) END as MISTURA ,CASE WHEN VP.combustivel = 9 THEN ISNULL(SUM(VPL.QTD), 0) END as XAQ ,CASE WHEN VP.combustivel = 10 THEN ISNULL(SUM(VPL.QTD), 0) END as ADIESEL ,CASE WHEN VP.combustivel = 11 THEN ISNULL(SUM(VPL.QTD), 0) END as ADBLUE ,CASE WHEN VP.combustivel = 12 THEN ISNULL(SUM(VPL.QTD), 0) END as O95 ,CASE WHEN VP.combustivel = 13 THEN ISNULL(SUM(VPL.QTD), 0) END as O98 FROM where (MONTH(VPC.data) >= MONTH('2015-09-01') AND MONTH(VPC.data) <= MONTH('2015-09-01')) and (YEAR(VPC.data) >= YEAR('2014-09-01') AND YEAR(VPC.data) <= YEAR('2015-09-01')) and (VPT.armazem='454' or Len('454')=0) and FACT_VD NOT IN ('A', 'I', 'G', 'M') GROUP BY YEAR(VPC.data) ,VPC.Armazem ,VP.combustivel ORDER BY VPC.Armazem ,YEAR(VPC.data)
How can I aggregate the result to only show per year?
I’m using MS SQL
I suspect you want conditional aggregation:
Select VPC.Armazem as TARMA, YEAR(VPC.data) as DataTotal, SUM(CASE WHEN VP.combustivel = 1 THEN VPL.QTD ELSE 0 END) as ADITIVADA, SUM(CASE WHEN VP.combustivel = 2 THEN VPL.QTD ELSE 0 END) as X98, . . . FROM . . . GROUP BY YEAR(VPC.data), VPC.Armazem . . .
Note that VP.combustivel
is not in the GROUP BY