I am using Testcontainers 1.15.2 (using postgres image 13.2-alpine) with Spring Boot 2.4.3. The Testcontainer is started using an init script which starts with a type definition, a table creation and insert values into it. I even perform a COMMIT;
at the end but did not define a schema or so.
When I start the Spring Boot app the console output shows me that the init script was executed successfully.
When I execute a SELECT * FROM the result is empty. So…why are the postgresql tables empty although I did inserts before?
CREATE TYPE Erklaerungstyp AS ENUM ('AAAAA', 'BBBBB', 'CCCCC', 'DDDDD'); CREATE TYPE Geschlecht AS ENUM ('D', 'F', 'M'); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Anschrift; CREATE TABLE Anschrift ( a_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, Zusatz VARCHAR(255), Strasse VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, Hausnummer VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, plz VARCHAR(5) NOT NULL, Ort VARCHAR(80) NOT NULL, Bundesland VARCHAR(20), Land VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL, create_Date DATE NOT NULL, modify_Date DATE ); INSERT INTO Anschrift VALUES (1, null, 'Musterstrasse', '13M', '12345', 'Berlin', 'Berlin', 'Deutschland', '2001-09-28'); INSERT INTO Anschrift VALUES (2, 'bei Müller', 'Musterweg', '1-3', '54321', 'Musterhausen', 'Muster-Hausen', 'Deutschland', '2002-03-11'); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Person; CREATE TABLE Person ( ep_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, Geschlecht Geschlecht, Vorname VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, Familienname VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, Geburtsname VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, Titel VARCHAR(10), Geburtsdatum Date NOT NULL, Geburtsort VARCHAR(30), Anschrift INTEGER REFERENCES Anschrift(a_id), Email VARCHAR(80), Telefon VARCHAR(20), Versichertennummer VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL, create_Date DATE NOT NULL, modify_Date DATE ); INSERT INTO Person VALUES (1, 'M', 'Max', 'Mustermann', 'Mustermann', 'Dipl.-Inf.', '01.01.1901', 'Berlin', 1, 'Max.Mustermann@max.de', '0111 12 34 56 789', 'X000Y111Z999', '2001-09-28'); COMMIT;
I instantiate the Testcontainer in an abstract superclass for tests to be used in all inheriting subclassing tests:
@ActiveProfiles("test") @Testcontainers @SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT) public abstract class AbstractApplicationIT { final static DockerImageName POSTGRES_IMAGE = DockerImageName.parse("postgres:13.2-alpine"); @Container public static PostgreSQLContainer<?> postgreSQLContainer = new PostgreSQLContainer<>(POSTGRES_IMAGE); @Test public void contextLoads() { } }
In a subclass I do:
@Transactional @TestInstance(TestInstance.Lifecycle.PER_CLASS) public class XxxIT extends AbstractApplicationIT { @Value("${spring.datasource.password}") private String password; @Value("${spring.datasource.username}") private String username; @Value("${spring.datasource.dbname}") private String dbName; @Value("${spring.datasource.initScript}") private String initScript; @Autowired private AnschriftJpaDao dao; @Autowired private XxxService xxxService; @BeforeAll public void setup() { postgreSQLContainer = new PostgreSQLContainer<>(POSTGRES_IMAGE) .withDatabaseName(dbName) .withUsername(username) .withPassword(password) .withInitScript(initScript); postgreSQLContainer.start(); } @Test public void checkDbContainerIsAlive() { assertThat(this.dao.findAll()).isNotNull(); } }
…and the test is green but when I do
@Test public void anschrift_can_be_found() { assertThat(this.dao.findAll().size() == 1); List<Anschrift> anschriftList = this.dao.findAll(); System.out.println(anschriftList.size()); }
…the test is green but anschriftList
is empty. Why?
And if I use Anschriften PK as a FK in Person entity…I get a LazyLoadingException although specifying fetch = FetchType.EAGER
in the relationship definitions. Why?
In my application-test.yaml I defined
jpa: hibernate: ddl-auto: create-drop
as I found this on the internet.
-> Outcommenting this line leads to filled tables.