You need to get the username or usernames with the maximum number of integrations.
ER Diagramsenter image description here
Try One:
SELECT username FROM (SELECT au.username, COUNT(DISTINCT ci.integration_name_id) AS max_ini FROM auth_user au RIGHT JOIN card_integrations as ci ON = ci.user_id GROUP BY au.username) T ORDER BY T.max_ini DESC LIMIT 1
Problems if there are several users with the maximum number of integrations.
Try Two (Scripts):
set @m = (SELECT MAX(i) FROM (SELECT au.username as u, COUNT(DISTINCT ci.integration_name_id) as i FROM auth_user au RIGHT JOIN card_integrations as ci ON = ci.user_id GROUP BY au.username) T); SELECT u FROM (SELECT au.username as u, COUNT(DISTINCT ci.integration_name_id) as i FROM auth_user au RIGHT JOIN card_integrations as ci ON = ci.user_id GROUP BY au.username) T WHERE i = @m;
Not optimal
Please help me, sorry for the English.
I think you just want window functions:
SELECT username FROM (SELECT au.username, COUNT(DISTINCT ci.integration_name_id) as max_ini, RANK() OVER (ORDER BY COUNT(DISTINCT ci.integration_name_id) DESC) as seqnum FROM auth_user au JOIN card_integrations ci ON = ci.user_id GROUP BY au.username ) T WHERE seqnum = 1;
Note: Assuming that there is at least one “integration”, then an outer join is not needed.