Is there a way to split a string in HANA?
Something similar to the equivalent in SQL Server: SELECT * FROM dbo.fnSplitString('valueA,valueB', ',')
Try this,
CREATE PROCEDURE SPLIT_TEST(TEXT nvarchar(100)) AS BEGIN declare _items nvarchar(100) ARRAY; declare _text nvarchar(100); declare _index integer; _text := :TEXT; _index := 1; WHILE LOCATE(:_text,',') > 0 DO _items[:_index] := SUBSTR_BEFORE(:_text,','); _text := SUBSTR_AFTER(:_text,','); _index := :_index + 1; END WHILE; _items[:_index] := :_text; rst = UNNEST(:_items) AS ("items"); SELECT * FROM :rst; END; CALL SPLIT_TEST('A,B,C,E,F')