I have a list of 1 to N Shifts Each shift can have N events with their own start and end date I want to Aggregate and salami slice these into a common aggregate event, that changes whenever the shifts overlap & intersect.
<----Time-----------------------------------------------> Shifts - 1 <-----> 2 <--------> 3 <---------> 4 <-------> Aggregate <--><--><--><-----> <-------> 1 2 3 4 5
Thus a user can click on one of the aggregate events and see all the staff that are on at that moment in time.
So the sections above would show
- All staff in shift 1
- All Staff in shift 1 & 2
- All Staff in shift 2 & 3
- All Staff in shift 3
- All Staff in shift 4
I select all the events I the use a CTE to get all the possible allocation units of time between the first event and the last event.
Then I struggle to take this further to group and aggregate these into single these aggregate blocks.
WITH AllShiftEvents AS ( SELECT sl.Id AS SwimlaneId, evt.Id AS ShiftEventId, evt.Name As ShiftEventName, evt.StartDate, evt.EndDate, evt.ImplicitRisk AS RiskLevel, CASE WHEN evt.IsQualityControlReady = 1 THEN evt.ImplicitRisk END AS QcRiskLevel FROM ShiftEvents se INNER JOIN Events evt ON evt.Id = se.Id INNER JOIN Swimlanes sl ON evt.SwimlaneId = sl.Id AND sl.WorkUnitId = '82b463bf-50cb-275b-e055-01fd00803469' ), timeAllocations AS ( SELECT se.StartDate AS AllocationUnit, se.SwimlaneId, se.ShiftEventId, se.ShiftEventName, se.RiskLevel, se.QcRiskLevel FROM AllShiftEvents se UNION all SELECT DATEADD(hh,1,AllocationUnit), SwimlaneId, ShiftEventId, ShiftEventName, RiskLevel, QcRiskLevel FROM timeAllocations ta WHERE AllocationUnit < (SELECT s.EndDate FROM AllShiftEvents s where ta.ShiftEventId = s.ShiftEventId) ) select * from timeAllocations order by AllocationUnit OPTION (MAXRECURSION 0);
Any ideas?
You can combine two pieces of information — all times for the shifts and when peoples particular shifts are.
Let me assume you have a single table called shifts
. Then you can do:
with t as ( select v.time, lead(v.time) over (order by v.time) as periodend, row_number() over (order by v.time) as periodnumber from shifts s cross apply (values (s.starttime), (s.endtime)) v(time) group by v.time ) select t.*, s.employee from t join shifts s on t.periodstart < s.endtime and t.periodend >= s.starttime order by t.periodstart;
If you have a particular time, it is simpler to do:
select s.* from shifts s where s.starttime <= @selectedtime and s.endtime > @selectedtime;