I have a stored procedure with a couple of input parameters
Input parameters:
@UnitID = 13001, @WOID = 731000037,732000049
Result set:
is not the final intended table, it’s just being displayed for debugging/troubleshooting.
MsgLinkId | MyRowId | WO_ID | SourceUnitName | MaterialName | BatchID | UnitofMeasure | Segment1 | Segment2 | Segment3 | Segment4 | Segment5 | Amount | StartDate | EndDate |
5 | 1 | 731000037 | B1S01C03 | RAW MILK | 0 | KGM | B1S01W32 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | 13391.7524414063 | 2022-01-01 14:22:25.773 | 2022-01-01 14:24:25.980 |
5 | 2 | 731000037 | B1S01C03 | RAW MILK | 0 | KGM | B1S01W32 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | 13391.7524414063 | 2022-01-01 14:22:25.773 | 2022-01-01 14:26:26.187 |
5 | 3 | 731000037 | B1S01C03 | RAW MILK | 0 | KGM | B1S01W32 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | 13391.7524414063 | 2022-01-01 14:22:25.773 | 2022-01-01 14:28:26.397 |
7 | 1 | 732000049 | B1S01C03 | RAW MILK | 0 | KGM | B1S01W32 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | 31993.4200439453 | 2022-01-02 17:12:43.550 | 2022-01-02 17:14:43.757 |
7 | 2 | 732000049 | B1S01C03 | RAW MILK | 0 | KGM | B1S01W32 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | 31993.4200439453 | 2022-01-02 17:12:43.550 | 2022-01-02 17:16:43.967 |
7 | 3 | 732000049 | B1S01C03 | RAW MILK | 0 | KGM | B1S01W32 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | 31993.4200439453 | 2022-01-02 17:12:43.550 | 2022-01-02 17:18:44.177 |
3 | 1 | 732000049 | B1S01C04 | RAW MILK | 0 | KGM | B1S01W32 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | 57417.6939544678 | 2022-01-02 15:48:17.530 | 2022-01-02 15:50:17.737 |
3 | 2 | 732000049 | B1S01C04 | RAW MILK | 0 | KGM | B1S01W32 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | 57417.6939544678 | 2022-01-02 15:48:17.530 | 2022-01-02 15:52:17.947 |
3 | 3 | 732000049 | B1S01C04 | RAW MILK | 0 | KGM | B1S01W32 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | 57417.6939544678 | 2022-01-02 15:48:17.530 | 2022-01-02 15:54:18.157 |
Unit_WO | SourceUnitName | MaterialName | BatchID | UnitofMeasure | Segment1 | Segment2 | Segment3 | Segment4 | Segment5 | Amount | StartDate | EndDate |
731000037 | B1S01C03 | RAW MILK | 0 | KGM | B1S01W32 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | 13391.75 | 2022-01-01 14:22:25.773 | 2022-01-01 14:43:09.060 |
732000049 | B1S01C03 | RAW MILK | 0 | KGM | B1S01W32 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | 31993.42 | 2022-01-02 17:12:43.550 | 2022-01-02 17:57:51.643 |
732000049 | B1S01C04 | RAW MILK | 0 | KGM | B1S01W32 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | 57417.7 | 2022-01-02 15:48:17.530 | 2022-01-02 17:12:40.333 |
This is just a sample to understand the situation.
Question: how can I get “FinalTable”, without using the cursor fetch method?
I have tried using max(Amount)
, min(Start date)
, max(End date)
and tried grouping over MsgLinkId,MyRowId
but it didn’t work.
This is my stored procedure:
CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.******** @UnitID nvarchar(50), @WOID nvarchar(50), @JobId nvarchar(50)= '', @StartDate datetime = '', @EndDate datetime = '' AS BEGIN IF @EndDate = '' BEGIN SET @EndDate = @StartDate END SET @unitID = REPLACE(@unitId, 'All', '') SET @WOID = REPLACE(@WOID, 'All', '') SET @JobID = REPLACE(@JobId, 'All', '') -- SET @startdate = REPLACE(@startdate, 'All', '') -- SET @enddate = REPLACE(@enddate, 'All', '') SELECT T1.Msg_LinkId AS MsgLinkId, ROW_NUMBER () OVER (PARTITION BY T1.Msg_LinkId ORDER BY T2.DT_Msg Asc) MyRowid, T1.Unit_WO AS WO_ID, T3.Name AS SourceUnitName, T4.Name AS MaterialName, T1.Data_DInt04 AS BatchId, T5.description AS UnitofMeasure, T6.Name AS Segment1, T7.Name AS Segment2, T8.Name AS Segment3, T9.Name AS Segment4, T10.Name AS Segment5, SUM(T2.Data_Real01) OVER (PARTITION BY T2.Msg_LinkId) Amount, T1.DT_Msg AS StartDate, T2.DT_Msg AS EndDate INTO #AuxTable FROM QHandler_Messages T1 LEFT JOIN QHandler_Messages T2 ON T1.Unit_WO = T2.Unit_WO AND T1.Msg_LinkId = T2.Msg_LinkId LEFT JOIN LK_CUSTOMDB.dbo.ListUnit T3 ON T1.Data_DInt02 = T3.ID LEFT JOIN LK_CUSTOMDB.dbo.vi_Materials T4 ON T1.Data_DInt03 = T4.Material_ID LEFT JOIN LK_CUSTOMDB.dbo.vw_uoms_all T5 ON T1.Data_DInt05 = T5.uom_id LEFT JOIN LK_CUSTOMDB.dbo.ListUnit T6 ON T1.Data_DInt06 = T6.ID LEFT JOIN LK_CUSTOMDB.dbo.ListUnit T7 ON T1.Data_DInt07 = T7.ID LEFT JOIN LK_CUSTOMDB.dbo.ListUnit T8 ON T1.Data_DInt08 = T8.ID LEFT JOIN LK_CUSTOMDB.dbo.ListUnit T9 ON T1.Data_DInt09 = T9.ID LEFT JOIN LK_CUSTOMDB.dbo.ListUnit T10 ON T1.Data_DInt10 = T10.ID WHERE (T1.unit_wo IN (SELECT CAST(splitdata AS nvarchar(max)) FROM dbo.ft_Admin_SplitString(@WOID, ',')) OR @WOID = '') AND (T1.unit_id IN (SELECT CAST(splitdata AS nvarchar(max)) FROM dbo.ft_Admin_SplitString(@UnitID, ',')) OR @unitid = '') AND T1.Msg_Identifier = 11 AND T2.Msg_Identifier = 12 AND (T1.Data_DInt01 IN (SELECT CAST(splitdata AS nvarchar(max)) FROM dbo.ft_Admin_SplitString(@JobID, ',')) OR @jobid = '') UNION ALL SELECT T1.Msg_LinkId as MsgLinkId, ROW_NUMBER () OVER (PARTITION BY T1.Msg_LinkId ORDER BY T1.DT_Msg Asc) MyRowid, T1.Unit_WO AS WO_ID, T3.Name AS SourceUnitName, T4.Name AS MaterialName, T1.Data_DInt04 AS BatchId, T5.description AS UnitofMeasure, T6.Name AS Segment1, T7.Name AS Segment2, T8.Name AS Segment3, T9.Name AS Segment4, T10.Name AS Segment5, SUM(T1.Data_Real01) OVER (PARTITION BY T1.Msg_LinkId) Amount, T1.DT_Msg AS StartDate, T1.DT_Msg AS EndDate FROM QHandler_Messages T1 LEFT JOIN LK_CUSTOMDB.dbo.ListUnit T3 ON T1.Data_DInt02 = T3.ID LEFT JOIN LK_CUSTOMDB.dbo.vi_Materials T4 ON T1.Data_DInt03 = T4.Material_ID LEFT JOIN LK_CUSTOMDB.dbo.vw_uoms_all T5 ON T1.Data_DInt05 = T5.uom_id LEFT JOIN LK_CUSTOMDB.dbo.ListUnit T6 ON T1.Data_DInt06 = T6.ID LEFT JOIN LK_CUSTOMDB.dbo.ListUnit T7 ON T1.Data_DInt07 = T7.ID LEFT JOIN LK_CUSTOMDB.dbo.ListUnit T8 ON T1.Data_DInt08 = T8.ID LEFT JOIN LK_CUSTOMDB.dbo.ListUnit T9 ON T1.Data_DInt09 = T9.ID LEFT JOIN LK_CUSTOMDB.dbo.ListUnit T10 ON T1.Data_DInt10 = T10.ID WHERE (T1.unit_wo IN (SELECT CAST(splitdata AS nvarchar(max)) FROM dbo.ft_Admin_SplitString(@WOID, ',')) OR @WOID = '') AND (T1.unit_id IN (SELECT CAST(splitdata AS nvarchar(max)) FROM dbo.ft_Admin_SplitString(@UnitID, ',')) OR @unitid = '') AND T1.Msg_Identifier = 13 AND (T1.Data_DInt01 IN (SELECT CAST(splitdata AS nvarchar(max)) FROM dbo.ft_Admin_SplitString(@JobID, ',')) OR @jobid = '') AND T1.DT_msg BETWEEN @StartDate AND DATEADD(HOUR, 48, @EndDate) SELECT * FROM #AuxTable --- Result of Aux Table DECLARE @Finaltable TABLE ( MsgLinkId int, Unit_WO bigint, SourceUnitName nvarchar (255), MaterialName nvarchar (255), BatchId bigint, UnitofMeasure nvarchar (255), Segment1 nvarchar (255), Segment2 nvarchar (255), Segment3 nvarchar (255), Segment4 nvarchar (255), Segment5 nvarchar (255), Amount real, StartDate Datetime, EndDate Datetime ) DECLARE @MsgLinkId int DECLARE @MyRowId int DECLARE cursorAux cursor for select MsgLinkId, MyRowid from #Auxtable open cursorAux FETCH NEXT FROM cursorAux INTO @MsgLinkId, @MyRowid WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN If Exists ( select * from @Finaltable where MsgLinkId = @MsgLinkId ) Begin Update @Finaltable Set EndDate = ( Select EndDate from #Auxtable where MsgLinkId = @MsgLinkId and MyRowid = @MyRowid) Where MsgLinkId = @MsgLinkId end ELSE Begin Insert into @Finaltable ( MsgLinkId, Unit_WO, SourceUnitName, MaterialName, BatchId, UnitofMeasure, Segment1, Segment2, Segment3, Segment4, Segment5, Amount, StartDate, EndDate ) select MsgLinkId, WO_ID, SourceUnitName, MaterialName, BatchId, UnitofMeasure, Segment1, Segment2, Segment3, Segment4, Segment5, Amount, StartDate, EndDate from #Auxtable where MsgLinkId = @MsgLinkId and MyRowid = @MyRowid end FETCH NEXT FROM cursorAux INTO @MsgLinkId, @MyRowid END CLOSE cursorAux; DEALLOCATE cursorAux; select Unit_WO, SourceUnitName, MaterialName, BatchId, UnitofMeasure, Segment1, Segment2, Segment3, Segment4, Segment5, Amount, StartDate, EndDate from @Finaltable END GO
Based on what the cursor appears to be doing, the below cte query should get your results. It appears the cursor is inserting the first MsgLinkId record (MyRowID = 1) and then updating the EndDate for any subsequent record. This query takes the first MsgLinkId record and joins to the last MsgLinkId record in order to take the EndDate, but retains all the other data from the first record.
;with cte as ( SELECT MsgLinkId, MyRowId, row_number() over(partition by MsgLinkId order by MyRowId desc) as MyRowIdDesc, WO_ID, SourceUnitName, MaterialName, BatchId, UnitofMeasure, Segment1, Segment2, Segment3, Segment4, Segment5, Amount, StartDate, EndDate FROM #AuxTable --- Result of Aux Table ) select row_first.Unit_WO, row_first.SourceUnitName, row_first.MaterialName, row_first.BatchId, row_first.UnitofMeasure, row_first.Segment1, row_first.Segment2, row_first.Segment3, row_first.Segment4, row_first.Segment5, row_first.Amount, row_first.StartDate, row_last.EndDate --On subsequent rows, only the EndDate appears to be updated from cte row_first inner join cte row_last on row_first.MsgLinkId = row_last.MsgLinkId and row_last.MyRowIdDesc = 1 where row_first.MyRowId = 1 --The @Finaltable is first filled with the initial record