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How to parsing Json in AWS Athena?

I want to parse the JSON column in Athena but I have a problem in one column. The column includes an escape character. I don’t know if this problem. I want to reach to Message. You can see below sample data and Message under Return. Thanks

Sample Code 
CAST(json_extract_scalar(callparameters, '$return.Message') AS VARCHAR) AS Message

This is the JSON.

"return":"{"Message":"Do not person you have called "}"}    {"date":"2021-07-26","epoch":"1627"}    {"userpartyid":"23","userloginkey":"23","usercountrycode":"br","sessionkey":"23","client":{"name":"SMR","id":"1"},"usermainsatellitetype":"DS","userserviceaccountids":["23"],"usergeolocationid":"53","userpartyroleid":"76"}



If you take only the object which contains return you can parse return into json with json_parse since it contains an encoded string not an json object:

WITH dataset AS (
    SELECT * FROM (VALUES          
       (JSON '{
   "return":"{"Message":"Do not person you have called "}"
 ) AS t (json_string))

SELECT json_extract_scalar(json_parse(json_extract_scalar(json_string, '$.return')), '$.Message')
FROM dataset


Do not person you have called
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