I have a column in my SQL database (using mySQL) ‘lastname’, which has any number of employee’s last names in it. I want to write a query that handles a search for last names using a comma delimited list.
So the user will type:
Garcia, Smith, Jones
And that gets stored in a String, lastNameQuery
, which then gets passed into my backend API function that calls the SQL command. I want to return all employees in the DB that have those last names.
Is there any kind of SQL SELECT command I can use that search using a list like that? For my other functions (which only handle a single search term) I’m using this:
"SELECT * FROM employees WHERE salary LIKE '%${salary}%'"
Which works great. Is there some way I can modify it to handle a list? I can always break up the single String ("Garcia, Smith, Jones"
) into an array if necessary so that’s not a problem. Any ideas?
You need to either do:
(lastname like '%Garcia%' or lastname like '%Smith%' or lastname like '%jones%')
or create a fulltext index on lastname (alter table employess add fulltext (lastname)
) which would let you do
match (lastname) against ('Garcia, Smith, Jones')
but won’t do things like find Garcia if you search for just “Garc”.