I have 2 tables with class and subjects.
- class(id,name,student_count)
- subjects(id,name,class_id)
I want to populate class_id with name,student_count, and id on the select query. How do I do this using SQL or Knex?
I tried using join, but I get only one field not all fields in a row.
The expected result would be:
subject{ name: "data" id: "data" class: { id: "data" name: "data" student_count: "data" } }
By the way, answer in Knex or plain SQL would help!
You have to either use an inner join or a left join.
In SQL it would look something like this:
SELECT s.id AS subject_id , s.name AS subject_name , c.id AS class_id , c.name AS class_name , c.student_count AS class_student_count FROM subjects s INNER JOIN class ON s.class_id = c.id WHERE s.id = 1
In Knex it looks something like this:
getOne: () => knex .select( 's.id AS subject_id' , 's.name AS subject_name' , 'c.id AS class_id' , 'c.name AS class_name' , 'c.student_count AS class_student_count' ) .from('subjects AS s') .innerJoin('class AS c', 's.class_id', 'c.id') .where('s.id': 1)
You will get an object with the variable names after AS as field names. To get it into the format you want you have to create a mapper function:
function mapToWantedFormat(subject) { return { name: subject.subject_name, id: subject.subject_id class: { id: subject.class_id, name: subject.class_name, student_count: subject.class_student_count } }; };
Which is, for example, called used like this:
module.exports.getOne = async (req, res, next) => { try { const subject = await getOne(); if (subject) { res.status(200).json(mapToWantedFormat(subject)); } else { res.status(404).json(); } } catch (error) { next(error); } };