I want to update a varchar field (String) using and End-Point Api (Express NodeJS) but I have problem went I pass invalid inputs like question mark.
Express End-Point:
router.get("/updateField/:table/:field/:value/:num/:postid/", function(req, res) { connection.query( 'UPDATE '+ req.params.table +' SET ' + req.params.field +' = '+JSON.stringify(req.params.value) +' where language ='+ req.params.num +' and post_id ='+req.params.postid
This code work fine:
But this NOT WORK:
I send the request from react like this:
fetch( "http://localhost:3001/api/updateField/" + table + "/" + field + "/" + value + "/" + lenguage + "/" + post_id );
Use javascript function encodeURIComponent()
to escape special characters in URL parameters.
For example try this on your browser console and you’ll get an idea:
console.log( "http://localhost:3001/api/updateField/" + table + "/" + field + "/" + encodeURIComponent(value) + "/" + lenguage + "/" + post_id ); console.log(encodeURIComponent("When?"));
You will see that “When?” is replaced with “When%3F” in URL. In Node.Js, you’ll receive parameter value as string “When?”.
To know more about encodeURIComponent()
, refer to this