I had this query below and got an error with parameter @emp_group during execution. Need your suggestion on how to pass the parameter.
DECLARE @cols NVARCHAR (MAX) DECLARE @query NVARCHAR(MAX); SELECT @cols = COALESCE (@cols + ',[' + CONVERT(NVARCHAR, [LogDate], 106) + ']', '[' + CONVERT(NVARCHAR, [LogDate], 106) + ']') FROM (SELECT DISTINCT LogDate FROM AttendanceLog where LogDate between DateFrom and DateTo) PV ORDER BY [LogDate] SET @query = ' SELECT * FROM ( SELECT * FROM Table1 A INNER JOIN Table2 B ON B.empno= A.empno WHERE A.Status = ''Active'' and B.EmployeeGroup = @emp_group ) PvTable PIVOT ( SUM(OTHrs) FOR [LogDate] IN (' + @cols + ') ) PvTable '; EXEC SP_EXECUTESQL @query
The query will run when removing the parameter but need to filter the records. thanks in advance.
You can can do the same thing with @emp_group like you did with @cols. Extract them vom the text and pass them as a paramenter.
SET @query = 'SELECT * FROM (SELECT A.*, B.EmployeeGroup FROM Table1 A INNER JOIN Table2 B ON B.empno= A.empno WHERE A.Status = ''Active'' and B.EmployeeGroup = ''' + @emp_group + ''') PvTable PIVOT(SUM(OTHrs) FOR [LogDate] IN (' + @cols + ')) PvTable';