I am looking to run a script on a SQL database to create a Data Dictionary with an example of the data for each field.
To keep it simple I would just like to include the data from the first row of each table along with each table name and column name
So something like this:
Table Name | Field Name | Example Data |
Customer | ID | CU1 |
Customer | Title | Mrs |
Customer | Name | Anne |
Customer | Order No | ORD1 |
Is there an easy way to do this with a SQL script?
Somebody smarter than me could probably optimize this and remove the cursor but the Dynamic SQL was giving me a headache. I think in this scenario, a cursor is acceptable
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ##DataDictionary CREATE TABLE ##DataDictionary (TableName SYSNAME, ColumnName SYSNAME, SampleData NVARCHAR(MAX)) DECLARE @TableName SYSNAME DECLARE @ColumnName SYSNAME DECLARE @SQL NVARCHAR(MAX) DECLARE cur CURSOR FOR SELECT t.name AS TableName,c.Name AS ColumnName FROM sys.tables t JOIN sys.columns c ON t.object_id = c.object_id OPEN cur FETCH cur INTO @TableName,@ColumnName WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN SET @SQL = '' SELECT @SQL = ' INSERT INTO ##DataDictionary(TableName,ColumnName,SampleData) SELECT '''+@TableName+''','''+@ColumnName+''' ,(SELECT TOP 1 '+QUOTENAME(@ColumnName)+' FROM '+QUOTENAME(@TableName)+' ORDER BY NEWID()) -- NewID randomly selects a sample row ' print @SQL EXEC (@SQL) FETCH cur INTO @TableName,@ColumnName END CLOSE cur DEALLOCATE cur SELECT * from ##DataDictionary