I have the following code:
select FeeEarnerID, ( select (select [name] from [User] AS u where u.userid=f.userid) from feeearner AS f where f.FeeEarnerID=aa.FeeEarnerID ) FeeEarner, sum(aa.FEES) Fees, sum(aa.DISB) Disbursements, sum(aa.CREDITORS) Creditors from ( SELECT FeeEarner.FeeEarnerID, case when WIPTransaction.WIPTransactionTypeID IN (1,17,18,20,21,25) then WIPTransaction.Amount else 0 end 'FEES', case when WIPTransaction.WIPTransactionTypeID IN (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,26,27,28,29) then WIPTransaction.Amount else 0 end 'DISB', case when WIPTransaction.WIPTransactionTypeID IN (24) then WIPTransaction.Amount else 0 end 'CREDITORS' FROM ( ( FeeEarner JOIN WIPTransaction ON FeeEarner.FeeEarnerID = WIPTransaction.FeeEarnerID ) JOIN WIPTransactionType ON WIPTransactionType.WIPTransactionTypeID = WIPTransaction.WIPTransactionTypeID ) WHERE (WIPTransaction.TransactionDate BETWEEN '2020-10-01' AND '2020-12-31') ) AS aa group by FeeEarnerID
Used Table names: WIPtransaction, WIPtransactiontype, Feeearner
I want to display two more columns at the end of the output, namely: Invoiced and Uninvoiced. The “Invoicenumber” field in the “WIPtransaction” database will be tested for this. If the “Invoicenumber” is NULL – the transaction amount will be added to a sum in the uninvoiced column and if “Invoicenumber” contains a number – the transaction amount will be added to a sum in the invoiced column.
What is the code that I would need to write and where would it be placed?
select FeeEarnerID, ( select (select [name] from [User] AS u where u.userid=f.userid) from feeearner AS f where f.FeeEarnerID=aa.FeeEarnerID ) FeeEarner, sum(aa.FEES) Fees, sum(aa.DISB) Disbursements, sum(aa.CREDITORS) Creditors, ---------- SUM( InvoicedAmount) AS InvoicedAmount, SUM(UnInvoicedAmount) AS UnInvoicedAmount ---------- from ( SELECT FeeEarner.FeeEarnerID, case when WIPTransaction.WIPTransactionTypeID IN (1,17,18,20,21,25) then WIPTransaction.Amount else 0 end 'FEES', case when WIPTransaction.WIPTransactionTypeID IN (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,26,27,28,29) then WIPTransaction.Amount else 0 end 'DISB', case when WIPTransaction.WIPTransactionTypeID IN (24) then WIPTransaction.Amount else 0 end 'CREDITORS', ---------- CASE WHEN WIPTransaction.Invoicenumber IS NOT NULL THEN WIPTransaction.Amount END AS InvoicedAmount, CASE WHEN WIPTransaction.Invoicenumber IS NULL THEN WIPTransaction.Amount END AS UnInvoicedAmount ---------- FROM FeeEarner JOIN WIPTransaction ON FeeEarner.FeeEarnerID = WIPTransaction.FeeEarnerID JOIN WIPTransactionType ON WIPTransactionType.WIPTransactionTypeID = WIPTransaction.WIPTransactionTypeID WHERE WIPTransaction.TransactionDate BETWEEN '2020-10-01' AND '2020-12-31' ) AS aa group by FeeEarnerID