I’m a bit stumped how I might go about this.
I have a very basic query, that currently returns sales for each product, by year and month. It is grouping by year/month, and summing up the quantity. This returns one row for each product/year/month combo where there was a sale.
If there was no sale for a month, then there is no data.
I’d like my query to return one row of data for each product for each year/month in my date range, regardless of whether there was actually an order.
If there was no order, then I can return 0 for that product/year/month.
Below is my example query.
Declare @DateFrom datetime, @DateTo Datetime Set @DateFrom = '2012-01-01' set @DateTo = '2013-12-31' select Convert(CHAR(4),order_header.oh_datetime,120) + '/' + Convert(CHAR(2),order_header.oh_datetime,110) As YearMonth, variant_detail.vad_variant_code, sum(order_line_item.oli_qty_required) as 'TotalQty' From variant_Detail join order_line_item on order_line_item.oli_vad_id = variant_detail.vad_id join order_header on order_header.oh_id = order_line_item.oli_oh_id Where (order_header.oh_datetime between @DateFrom and @DateTo) Group By Convert(CHAR(4),order_header.oh_datetime,120) + '/' + Convert(CHAR(2),order_header.oh_datetime,110), variant_detail.vad_variant_code
Thank your for your suggestions.
I managed to get this working using another method.
Declare @DateFrom datetime, @DateTo Datetime Set @DateFrom = '2012-01-01' set @DateTo = '2013-12-31' select YearMonthTbl.YearMonth, orders.vad_variant_code, orders.qty From (SELECT Convert(CHAR(4),DATEADD(MONTH, x.number, @DateFrom),120) + '/' + Convert(CHAR(2),DATEADD(MONTH, x.number, @DateFrom),110) As YearMonth FROM master.dbo.spt_values x WHERE x.type = 'P' AND x.number <= DATEDIFF(MONTH, @DateFrom, @DateTo)) YearMonthTbl left join (select variant_Detail.vad_variant_code, sum(order_line_item.oli_qty_required) as 'Qty', Convert(CHAR(4),order_header.oh_datetime,120) + '/' + Convert(CHAR(2),order_header.oh_datetime,110) As 'YearMonth' FROM order_line_item join variant_detail on variant_detail.vad_id = order_line_item.oli_vad_id join order_header on order_header.oh_id = order_line_item.oli_oh_id Where (order_header.oh_datetime between @DateFrom and @DateTo) GROUP BY variant_Detail.vad_variant_code, Convert(CHAR(4),order_header.oh_datetime,120) + '/' + Convert(CHAR(2),order_header.oh_datetime,110) ) as Orders on Orders.YearMonth = YearMonthTbl.YearMonth