Maybe someone can tell me why this is happening. I wrote this stored procedure:
CREATE PROCEDURE Newmessages @Message_id VARCHAR(20) ,@First_name VARCHAR(20) ,@Last_name VARCHAR(20) ,@Email VARCHAR(20) ,@Phone VARCHAR(20) ,@Postal_code VARCHAR(20) ,@Notification_1 BIT ,@Notification_2 BIT ,@Own_Pets BIT ,@Organization_Id VARCHAR(20) ,@Animal_Id VARCHAR(20) AS INSERT INTO [dbo].[Messages] VALUES (@Message_id, @First_name, @Last_name, @Email, @Phone, @Postal_code, @Notification_1, @Notification_2, @Own_Pets, @Organization_Id, @Animal_Id)
Now I’m trying to check it by inserting:
exec Newmessages '64654', 'Kelli', 'Adkins', '', '478-6273327', 'SR5 2QF', 'False', 'False', 'False', '91839', '40550'
and I get:
Msg 547, Level 16, State 0, Procedure Newmessages, Line 4 [Batch Start Line 0] > The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint “FK__Messages__Email__3D9E16F4”. The conflict occurred in database “Petfinder”, table “dbo.Users”, column ‘Email’.
Thing is, I checked and I do have the email I’m trying to insert in the Users
table (which is the error).
Here I checked that it does exist in dbo.Users
Does anyone know why this is still happening?
The email address you’re trying to insert is acprthvs.bpuzcnt@gma
, which doesn’t exist in your table.
CREATE PROCEDURE Newmessages ... ,@Email VARCHAR(20) ...
The email address you’d like to enter is 26 characters long.