I’m trying to improve my query for this topic at hand. I’m trying to find the top 5 and bottom 5 growth rates per state from 2020 to 2021 in my org. The table has the columns as specified: orderid, orderdate, totaldue, state, etc. (these are probably the most important columns). This is the query I created so far, while it works I think it would be more efficient if I was able to implement a window function instead.
SELECT state, SUM(TotalDue) as sum into #temp2020 from table where OrderDate like "2020%" group by StateProvince order by sum desc; SELECT state, SUM(TotalDue) as sum into #temp2021 from table where OrderDate like "2021%" group by StateProvince order by sum desc; --top 5 growth rates-- select #temp2020.state, ((#temp2021.sum-#temp2020.sum)/#temp2020.sum) as 'growthrate' from #temp2020 join #temp2021 on #temp2021.state = #temp2020.state order by growthrate desc limit 5 --bottom 5 growth rates-- select #temp2020.state, ((#temp2021.sum-#temp2020.sum)/#temp2020.sum) as 'growthrate' from #temp2020 join #temp2021 on #temp2021.state = #temp2020.state order by growthrate asc limit 5 drop table if exists #temp2020 drop table if exists #temp2021
You could use DENSE_RANK
WITH cte AS ( SELECT state, SUM(TotalDue) AS sum, DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY SUM(TotalDue)) rnk_asc, DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY SUM(TotalDue) DESC) rnk_desc FROM yourTable WHERE YEAR(OrderDate) IN (2020, 2021) GROUP BY state ) SELECT state, sum FROM cte WHERE rnk_asc <= 5 OR rnk_desc <= 5 ORDER BY state, sum;