I have a mysql table and a date colomb that show when I add datas…
I wanna select datas smallar than this sunday from table..
HOw can I do that_? here is my code…
I couldnt figure it out “sevk_tarihi < DAY(3)”…
foreach($baglanti->query('SELECT SUM(sistem_adedi),sevk_tarihi FROM databasename WHERE (sistem_tipi_data="CEDRUS" or sistem_tipi_data="PINO" or sistem_tipi_data="BOSSO" or sistem_tipi_data="JUNIPER" or sistem_tipi_data="OLIVA" or sistem_tipi_data="CARPE" or sistem_tipi_data="SELVI" or sistem_tipi_data="AINE" or sistem_tipi_data="SEKOYA" or sistem_tipi_data="DAPHNE" or sistem_tipi_data="WILLOW" or sistem_tipi_data="SEKOYA" ) and (sevk_tarihi < DAY(3)) ' ) as $row)
I am sorry, I misunderstood the question
This gives you past sunday
set @date = curdate() ; SELECT @date - interval weekday(@date) + 1 DAY;
this gives you next sunday
set @date = curdate(); SELECT @date + interval 6 - weekday(@date) day;
for your query
sevk_tarihi < curdate() + interval 6 - weekday(curdate()) day
gives you this sunday