I’m trying to find all coverage_set_id
with more than one benefit_id
attached summary_attribute
The query seems to be working fine without the GROUP BY & HAVING parts, but once I add those lines in (for the COUNT) my results are incorrect. Just trying to get duplicate coverage_set_id
Pass-Through query via OBDC database:
SELECT DISTINCT b.coverage_set_id, COUNT (b.coverage_set_id) AS "COUNT" FROM coverage_set_detail_view a JOIN contracts_by_sub_group_view b ON b.coverage_set_id = a.coverage_set_id JOIN request c ON c.request_id = b.request_id WHERE b.valid_from_date BETWEEN to_date('10/01/2010','mm/dd/yyyy') AND to_date('12/01/2010','mm/dd/yyyy') AND c.request_status = 1463 AND summary_attribute = 2004687 AND benefit_id <> 1092333 GROUP BY b.coverage_set_id HAVING COUNT (b.coverage_set_id) > 1
My results look like this:
----------------------- COVERAGE_SET_ID | COUNT ----------------------- 4193706 | 8 4197052 | 8 4193926 | 112 4197078 | 96 4174168 | 8
I’m expecting all the COUNTs to be 2.
SELECT c.coverage_set_id AS "COVERAGE SET ID", c1.description AS "Summary Attribute", count(d.benefit_id) AS "COUNT" FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT coverage_set_id FROM contracts_by_sub_group_view WHERE valid_from_date BETWEEN '01-OCT-2010' AND '01-DEC-2010' AND request_id IN ( SELECT request_id FROM request WHERE request_status = 1463) ) a JOIN coverage_set_master e ON e.coverage_set_id = a.coverage_set_id JOIN coverage_set_detail c ON c.coverage_set_id = a.coverage_set_id JOIN benefit_summary d ON d.benefit_id = c.benefit_id AND d.coverage_type = e.coverage_type JOIN codes c1 ON c1.code_id = d.summary_attribute WHERE d.summary_attribute IN (2004687, 2004688) AND summary_structure = 1000217 GROUP BY c.coverage_set_id, c1.description HAVING COUNT(d.benefit_id) > 1 ORDER BY c.coverage_set_id, c1.description
And these were the results:
COVERAGE SET ID | SUMMARY ATTRIBUTE | COUNT ------------------------------------------------- 4174168 | INPATIENT | 2 4174172 | INPATIENT | 2 4191828 | INPATIENT | 2 4191832 | INPATIENT | 2 4191833 | INPATIENT | 2 4191834 | INPATIENT | 2 4191838 | INPATIENT | 2 4191842 | INPATIENT | 2 4191843 | INPATIENT | 2 4191843 | OUTPATIENT | 2 4191844 | INPATIENT | 2 4191844 | OUTPATIENT | 2
The coverage_set_id in both the HAVING and count part of the SELECT should be benefit_id.
Since benefit_id is also in table a you can do the following
SELECT a.coverage_set_id, COUNT (a.benefit_id) AS "COUNT" FROM coverage_set_detail_view a WHERE a.coverage_set_id in ( SELECT b.coverage_set_id FROM contracts_by_sub_group_view b WHERE b.valid_from_date BETWEEN to_date('10/01/2010','mm/dd/yyyy') AND to_date('12/01/2010','mm/dd/yyyy')) AND a.coverage_set_id in ( SELECT b2.coverage_set_id FROM contracts_by_sub_group_view b2 INNER JOIN request c on c.request_id=b2.request_id WHERE c.request_status = 1463) AND ?.summary_attribute = 2004687 AND a.benefit_id <> 1092333 GROUP BY a.coverage_set_id HAVING COUNT (a.benefit_id) > 1
This removes the JOIN magnification that was occurring on the FROM since those tables are not needed to pull coverage_set_id and benefit_id. The only remaining need for the other 2 tables is to filter out data based on criteria, which is in the WHERE clause.
I’m not sure what table summary_attribute lives in but it would follow a similar pattern to valid_from_date, request_status, or benefit_id.