I’m trying to avoid sub queries because it generally takes longer to run. Came across this solution which works nicely but has a snag when there is another person with the same role with the same amount
For example, lets add another row
Steven 140,000
Is it possible to change the T-SQL code to pick either Steven or John as the top paying DevOps Engineer without using sub-queries? It doesn’t matter which one
Well here is one way to tackle the problem as long as you don’t care which Devops Engineer is the highest paid:
CREATE TABLE #employee(EmpName varchar(50), salary int,role varchar(30)) INSERT INTO #employee VALUES('David',130000,'Software Engineer') INSERT INTO #employee VALUES('John',140000,'DevOps Engineer') INSERT INTO #employee VALUES('Bob',120000,'Software Engineer') INSERT INTO #employee VALUES('Sarah',130000,'DevOps Engineer') INSERT INTO #employee VALUES('Sarah',130000,'DevOps Engineer') INSERT INTO #employee VALUES('Alice',110000,'Software Engineer') INSERT INTO #employee VALUES('Alice',110000,'Software Engineer') INSERT INTO #employee VALUES('Steve',95000,'DevOps Engineer') INSERT INTO #employee VALUES('Steve',95000,'DevOps Engineer') INSERT INTO #employee VALUES('Steven',145000,'DevOps Engineer') ;WITH CTE AS( SELECT EmpName,Salary, Role, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(Partition by Role ORDER BY Salary desc) RN FROM #employee) SELECT * from CTE where RN = 1