Is it possible to merge / mix / join the SQL command IDENT_CURRENT(‘table_name’) with a OPENJSON insert statement?
For example a table contains:
- id as int (primary key, auto increment)
- objectId as int
- property as varchar(50)
- value as varchar (50)
I fill the property and value based on a JSON and are in need to use IDENT_CURRENT(‘objects’) to fill the objectId column. Currently my statement looks like:
DECLARE @properties nvarchar(max) = N'[{"property": "A", "value": "1"}, {"property": "B", "value": "2"}, {"property": "C", "value": "3"}]'; INSERT INTO SELECT * FROM OPENJSON(@properties) WITH ( property varchar(50) '$.property', value varchar(50) '$.value');
And want to change the statement to something like:
DECLARE @properties nvarchar(max) = N'[{"property": "A", "value": "1"}, {"property": "B", "value": "2"}, {"property": "C", "value": "3"}]'; INSERT INTO (objectId) VALUES (IDENT_CURRENT('nodes')) SELECT * FROM OPENJSON(@properties) WITH ( property varchar(50) '$.property', value varchar(50) '$.value');
Cannot say I’d necessarily recommend your approach. Generally I’d recommend inserting into both tables together and using SCOPE_IDENTITY() instead. With your approach, if another process inserts a row at the same time, it could cause data issues since your script might grab the wrong identity value
DECLARE @id INT; BEGIN TRAN /* INSERT INTO nodes... Put your code here that inserts into the nodes table */ SELECT @id = SCOPE_IDENTITY() /*Returns last IDENTITY inserted into nodes. RECOMMEND THIS APPROACH*/ --SELECT @id =IDENT_CURRENT('nodes') /*Using your requested function*/ INSERT INTO property(objectid,property,[value]) SELECT @id,property,[value] FROM OPENJSON(@properties) WITH ( property varchar(50) '$.property', value varchar(50) '$.value'); COMMIT TRAN