I have table with 3 columns (id, Name, Occurrence), I want to update the Occurrence column ,based on the id column, attached snap for the reference.
for example if my id column has “606” value 3 times then my occurrent column should have 3 against all the “606” value.
Below is the method which I tried.
I tried to find the duplicate values using group by
and Having
clause and saved it in a temp table and from there I tried to join the table value from the temp table.
You can go for GROUP BY based approach also.
declare @TABLE TABLE(ID INT, NAME CHAR(3), occurance int null) insert into @TABLE VALUES (1,'AAA',NULL),(1,'AAA',NULL),(2,'CCC',NULL),(3,'DDD',NULL), (3,'DDD',NULL),(4,'EEE',NULL),(5,'FFF',NULL); ;WITH CTE_Table as ( SELECT ID, COUNT(*) AS Occurance FROM @table group by id ) UPDATE t SET occurance = c.occurance FROM @table t INNER JOIN CTE_Table as c on C.ID = T.ID SELECT * FROM @TABLE
ID | NAME | occurance |
1 | AAA | 2 |
1 | AAA | 2 |
2 | CCC | 1 |
3 | DDD | 2 |
3 | DDD | 2 |
4 | EEE | 1 |
5 | FFF | 1 |