I want to take USD and EUR Rates from TCMB page.
Im using this first of all.
Use Coruscant go sp_configure 'show advanced options' , 1 go Reconfigure with Override go sp_configure 'Ole Automation Procedures' , 1 go Reconfigure with Override Go
Im using this for creating table.
Use Coruscant go -- Döviz Kurlarının Yazılacağı Tablo oluşturuluyor if not exists (select * from sys.tables where name = N'DVZKRLR' and type = 'U') begin Create table DVZKRLR (Tarih date, DolarForexBuying float,EuroForexBuying float) end Go
Im using this for parse XML file but I couldn’t parse correctly. I want to take only Date(as Tarih), DolarForexBuying,EuroForexBuying rates.
if exists (select * from sys.objects where type = 'P' AND name = 'UPR_GetDovizKurlari_frm_MerkezBankasi') drop procedure UPR_GetDovizKurlari_MerkezBankasi go Create proc [dbo].[UPR_GetDovizKurlari_frm_MerkezBankasi] (@pYil Smallint, @pAy TinyInt, @pGun TinyInt) As begin Declare @url as varchar(8000) /* Set @url = 'https://www.tcmb.gov.tr/kurlar/today.xml' Set @url = 'https://www.tcmb.gov.tr/kurlar/201903/12032019.xml' */ Declare @XmlYilAy NVarchar(6), @XmlTarih NVarchar(10) Set @XmlYilAy = Right('0000' + cast(@pYil as varchar(4)) , 4) + Right('00' + cast(@pAy as varchar(2)) , 2) Set @XmlTarih = Right('00' + cast(@pGun as varchar(2)) , 2) + Right('00' + cast(@pAy as varchar(2)) , 2) + Right('0000' + cast(@pYil as varchar(4)) , 4) If DateFromParts(@pYil, @pAy, @pGun) = DateAdd(dd,0,DateDiff(dd,0,GetDate())) --gelen parametrelergünün tarihi ise Set @url = 'https://www.tcmb.gov.tr/kurlar/today.xml' else Set @url = 'https://www.tcmb.gov.tr/kurlar/' + @XmlYilAy + '/' + @XmlTarih + '.xml' Print @url declare @OBJ AS INT declare @RESULT AS INT EXEC @RESULT = SP_OACREATE 'MSXML2.XMLHTTP', @OBJ OUT EXEC @RESULT = SP_OAMethod @OBJ , 'open' , null , 'GET', @url, false EXEC @RESULT = SP_OAMethod @OBJ, send, NULL,'' If OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#XML') IS NOT Null DROP TABLE #XML Create table #XML ( STRXML varchar(max)) Insert INTO #XML(STRXML) EXEC @RESULT = SP_OAGetProperty @OBJ, 'responseXML.xml' --Select * From #XML DECLARE @XML AS XML SELECT @XML = STRXML FROM #XML DROP TABLE #XML DECLARE @HDOC AS INT EXEC SP_XML_PREPAREDOCUMENT @HDOC OUTPUT , @XML Delete from DVZKRLR where tarih = DateFromParts(@pYil, @pAy, @pGun) INSERT INTO DVZKRLR ( Tarih,DolarForexBuying,EuroForexBuying) SELECT DateFromParts(@pYil, @pAy, @pGun) As Tarih, * FROM OPENXML(@HDOC, 'Tarih_Date/Currency') --I WANT TO TAKE ONLY DOLAR FOREX BUYING AND EURO FOREX BUYING RATE WITH DATE.. --I COULDN'T PARSE XML FILE With (CrossOrder NVarchar(5), CurrencyCode NVarchar(5),ForexBuying float 'ForexBuying') End Go
And Im using this code for adding rates to my table.
USE CORUSCANT DECLARE @SAYAC INT = 1 WHILE @SAYAC <= 31 BEGIN Exec UPR_GetDovizKurlari_MerkezBankasi @pYil = 2022, -- smallint @pAy = 1, -- tinyint @pGun = @SAYAC -- tinyint SET @SAYAC = @SAYAC + 1 END
Microsoft proprietary OPENXML
and its companions sp_xml_preparedocument
and sp_xml_removedocument
are kept just for backward compatibility with the obsolete SQL Server 2000. Their use is diminished just to very few fringe cases.
Starting from SQL Server 2005 onwards, it is strongly recommended to re-write your SQL and switch it to XQuery.
Notable points:
- Tarih column is
datatype - DolarForexBuying and *EuroForexBuying * columns should use
datatype. FLOAT data type is used for imprecise numbers like PI 3.14159…..
DECLARE @xml XML = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="isokur.xsl"?> <Tarih_Date Tarih="18.02.2022" Date="02/18/2022" Bulten_No="2022/35"> <Currency CrossOrder="0" Kod="USD" CurrencyCode="USD"> <Unit>1</Unit> <Isim>ABD DOLARI</Isim> <CurrencyName>US DOLLAR</CurrencyName> <ForexBuying>13.6118</ForexBuying> <ForexSelling>13.6363</ForexSelling> <BanknoteBuying>13.6022</BanknoteBuying> <BanknoteSelling>13.6567</BanknoteSelling> <CrossRateUSD/> <CrossRateOther/> </Currency> <Currency CrossOrder="1" Kod="AUD" CurrencyCode="AUD"> <Unit>1</Unit> <Isim>AVUSTRALYA DOLARI</Isim> <CurrencyName>AUSTRALIAN DOLLAR</CurrencyName> <ForexBuying>9.7935</ForexBuying> <ForexSelling>9.8573</ForexSelling> <BanknoteBuying>9.7484</BanknoteBuying> <BanknoteSelling>9.9165</BanknoteSelling> <CrossRateUSD>1.3866</CrossRateUSD> <CrossRateOther/> </Currency> <Currency CrossOrder="2" Kod="DKK" CurrencyCode="DKK"> <Unit>1</Unit> <Isim>DANİMARKA KRONU</Isim> <CurrencyName>DANISH KRONE</CurrencyName> <ForexBuying>2.0770</ForexBuying> <ForexSelling>2.0872</ForexSelling> <BanknoteBuying>2.0756</BanknoteBuying> <BanknoteSelling>2.0920</BanknoteSelling> <CrossRateUSD>6.5433</CrossRateUSD> <CrossRateOther/> </Currency> <Currency CrossOrder="9" Kod="EUR" CurrencyCode="EUR"> <Unit>1</Unit> <Isim>EURO</Isim> <CurrencyName>EURO</CurrencyName> <ForexBuying>15.4745</ForexBuying> <ForexSelling>15.5024</ForexSelling> <BanknoteBuying>15.4637</BanknoteBuying> <BanknoteSelling>15.5257</BanknoteSelling> <CrossRateUSD/> <CrossRateOther>1.1369</CrossRateOther> </Currency> ... </Tarih_Date>'; -- INSERT INTO DVZKRLR -- uncomment when you are ready SELECT TRY_CONVERT(DATE, @xml.value('(/Tarih_Date/@Tarih)[1]', 'CHAR(10)'),104) AS Tarih , @xml.value('(/Tarih_Date/Currency[@Kod="USD"]/ForexBuying/text())[1]', 'DECIMAL(10,4)') AS DolarForexBuying , @xml.value('(/Tarih_Date/Currency[@Kod="EUR"]/ForexBuying/text())[1]', 'DECIMAL(10,4)') AS EuroForexBuying
+------------+------------------+-----------------+ | Tarih | DolarForexBuying | EuroForexBuying | +------------+------------------+-----------------+ | 2022-02-18 | 13.6118 | 15.4745 | +------------+------------------+-----------------+