I’m trying to populate a PrimeReact Tree with data from sqlite3 database, but it doesnt work.
Here is my SQL-Query:
select 'prj:'||p.id as key,p.name as label,( select json_group_array(json_object('key',key,'label',label)) from( select 'tpr:'||tpr.id as key,tpr.name as label from tpr where tpr.prjid=p.id and tpr.active="true" order by tpr.id ) ) as children from prj p,usr_right r where p.id=r.prjid and p.active="true" and r.usrid=$1 order by p.id
I get following JSON-Code:
[ { key: 'prj:1', label: 'Projekt 1', children: '[{"key":"tpr:1","label":"Teilprojekt 1"},{"key":"tpr:2","label":"Teilprojekt 2"}]' }, { key: 'prj:2', label: 'Projekt 3', children: '[]' }, { key: 'prj:3', label: 'Projekt 2', children: '[]' } ]
This is OK but i figured out, that the children are not rendered, because there are quotes around the square brackets at the children path – how can i fix this?
If initial
is your json to be mapped to Tree
, then you need to make a slight modification to convert string to array
let initial = [ { key: 'prj:1', label: 'Projekt 1', children: '[{"key":"tpr:1","label":"Teilprojekt 1"},{"key":"tpr:2","label":"Teilprojekt 2"}]' }, { key: 'prj:2', label: 'Projekt 3', children: '[]' }, { key: 'prj:3', label: 'Projekt 2', children: '[]' } ] let converted = initial.map(obj => ({ ...obj, children: JSON.parse(obj.children)})) console.log(converted)