CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE demoStoreProc ( stringNums IN VARCHAR2 ) AS stepCount NUMBER; BEGIN SELECT REGEXP_COUNT (stringNums ,',')+1 INTO :stepCount FROM "SYS"."DUAL" ; END
So in the above stored procedure, the input is like
stringNums = 12,13,14,15
and in variable stepCount I want to insert 4 , as there is 4 numbers are present
But I get this error:
Bad Bind variable error for stepCount
You don’t need that select
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE demostoreproc ( stringnums IN VARCHAR2 ) AS stepcount NUMBER; BEGIN stepcount := regexp_count(stringnums,',') + 1; END; /
But, what’s the procedure doing anyway?
Rather, you may want a function.
CREATE OR REPLACE function demostoreproc ( stringnums IN VARCHAR2 ) RETURN NUMBER AS stepcount NUMBER; BEGIN stepcount := regexp_count(stringnums,',') + 1; RETURN stepcount; END; /