I’ve the following tables:
chat: chatId, jobId
chat_message: userId, chatId, message, created_at
chat_user: chatId, userId
Am trying to get the last message sent by a specific user for all chats he’s a part of. This is what I have so far (left join for debugging on null):
SELECT c.chatid, m.message FROM chat AS c INNER JOIN chat_user AS cu ON cu.chatid = c.chatid LEFT JOIN (SELECT * FROM chat_message WHERE chat_message.userid = 6 ORDER BY created_at DESC LIMIT 1) AS m ON m.chatid = c.chatid WHERE cu.userid = 6;
The problem with this query is that the LIMIT 1 makes chat_message results null beyond the first row of results.
Removing the limit returns the data but am getting all the messages vs just the latest one.
What am I missing here? I feel like the LIMIT might be in the wrong place. I also tried the following alternative with no success:
SELECT c.chatid, m.message, m.userid FROM chat AS c INNER JOIN chat_user AS cu ON cu.chatid = c.chatid LEFT JOIN chat_message as m ON m.chatid = c.chatid AND m.created_at = (SELECT MAX(created_at) from chat_message) WHERE cu.userid = 6;
chatid message userid 1 'Last message 1' 6 2 'Last message 2' 6
chatid message userid 2 'Last message 2' 6 1 null null
Am trying to get the last message sent by a specific user for all chats he’s a part of.
SELECT cm.chatid, cm.message, cm.userid FROM chat c JOIN chat_message cm ON m.chatid = cm.chatid WHERE c.userid = 6 AND cm.created_at = (SELECT MAX(cm2.created_at) FROM chat_message cm2 WHERE cm2.chatid = cm.chatid );
To optimize performance, I would recommend indexes on:
chat_message(chatid, created_at)
chat(userid, chatid)