I have a DB that has 1000+ tables. 100 of those tables are prefixed with a three letters (let’s say ‘ABC’) Only half of those prefixed tables have MODIFIEDDATETIME column.
I’m trying to do a simple select query to get all the last updated MODIFIEDDATETIME stamp for each Table that actually has a MODIFIEDDATETIME on that table and also begins with the three letter prefix.
I’ve tried using this function but it doesn’t seem to be getting me there. Thoughts?
sp_msforeachtable ' select ''?'', modifieddatetime, count(*) from ? where ? like ''%ABC%'' group by modifieddatetime order by modifieddatetime desc '
You could do it with dynamic SQL, but this will probably not be very efficient on 1000 tables!
DECLARE @SQL NVARCHAR(MAX) = '' SELECT @SQL = @SQL + ' UNION SELECT COUNT(' + QUOTENAME(Column_Name) + ') [Rows], MAX(' + QUOTENAME(Column_Name) + ') [MaxModifiedDate], ''' + QUOTENAME(Table_Schema) + '.' + QUOTENAME(Table_Name) + ''' [TableName] FROM ' + QUOTENAME(Table_Schema) + '.' + QUOTENAME(Table_Name) FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE Column_Name = 'ModifiedDateTime' AND Table_Name LIKE 'ABC%' SET @SQL = 'SELECT MaxModifiedDate, TableName, Rows FROM (' + STUFF(@SQL, 1, 7, '') + ') t ORDER BY MaxModifiedDate DESC' print @sql EXEC SP_EXECUTESQL @SQL
It basically builds a query like
SELECT MaxModifiedDate, TableName, Rows FROM ( SELECT 'Table1' [TableName], MAX(ModifiedDate) [MaxModifedDate], COUNT(ModifiedDate) [Rows] FROM Table1 UNION SELECT 'Table2' [TableName], MAX(ModifiedDate) [MaxModifedDate], COUNT(ModifiedDate) [Rows] FROM Table2 UNION SELECT 'Table3' [TableName], MAX(ModifiedDate) [MaxModifedDate], COUNT(ModifiedDate) [Rows] FROM Table3 UNION ... ) c ORDER BY MaxModifiedDate DESC