Given this SQL:
select * from table1 where table1.columnFoo = 123 and ( some_value is null or some_value in (select column1 from table2 where table1.colX=table2.colY) or not exists (select column1 from table2 where table1.colX=table2.colY) ); -- some_value is a constant or an input parameter in an (PL/)SQL procedure -- if it is non null, then we want to filter by it. Except if the list selection is empty.
Is there a way to write the “in list or list is empty” part shorter? Preferably in a way that contains the list only once (see the Don’t_repeat_yourself principle )
I’m interested for Oracle SQL or PL/SQL, but other information is also welcome.
As requested, a MRE that works in SQL*Plus:
create table table1 as select 1 id, 'one' name , 12 price from dual union select 2 , 'two' , 22 from dual union select 3 , 'thr' , 33 from dual; create table table2 as select 1 id1, 88 idX, sysdate-1 validDate from dual -- valid union select 1 , 99 , sysdate+2 from dual -- these two are not valid (yet) union select 2 , 99 , sysdate+3 from dual; var some_value number --exec :some_value := 3 -- uncomment for non null values with cte as (select id1,idX from table2 where validDate<sysdate) select * from table1 where table1.price > 10 and ( :some_value is null or :some_value in (select idX from cte where or not exists (select idX from cte where );
From Oracle 12, you could use a LATERAL
join with conditional aggregation:
SELECT t1.* FROM table1 t1 CROSS JOIN LATERAL( SELECT 1 AS matched FROM table2 t2 WHERE t1.colX=t2.colY HAVING COUNT(*) = 0 OR COUNT(CASE t2.column1 WHEN :some_value THEN 1 END) > 0 ) t2 WHERE t1.columnFoo = 123 AND ( :some_value is null OR t2.matched = 1);
Or a similar technique using EXISTS
select * from table1 WHERE columnFoo = 123 AND ( :some_value is null OR EXISTS( SELECT 1 FROM table2 WHERE table1.colX=colY HAVING COUNT(*) = 0 OR COUNT(CASE column1 WHEN :some_value THEN 1 END) > 0 ) );
db<>fiddle here