Is there a way to update the data retrieved from the below select (in this case, change “MS220” to something else)? It’s difficult enough to do select from JSON in some cases. I’m not sure how to update just a single element.
CREATE TABLE JData ( JsonData nvarchar(max) ) INSERT INTO JData (JsonData) VALUES ('[ { "Categories": [ { "QuerySourceNames": [ "QAsset" ], "Id": "eceae85a-ffc6-49f4-8f6a-78ce2b4b274e", "Name": "emsdba" } ], "Id": "525b4f07-0f67-43ac-8070-a0e6c1ceb1b9", "Name": "MS220" } ]') SELECT ParamName FROM [dbo].[JData] jsonData CROSS APPLY OPENJSON (jsonData) WITH ( Categories nvarchar(max) AS json, Id uniqueidentifier, ParamName varchar(10) '$.Name' );
Try JSON_MODIFY() with the path '$[0].Name'
UPDATE d SET jsonData = JSON_MODIFY(jsonData, '$[0].Name', 'New Value') FROM [dbo].[JData] d
[ { "Categories": [ { "QuerySourceNames": [ "QAsset" ], "Id": "eceae85a-ffc6-49f4-8f6a-78ce2b4b274e", "Name": "emsdba" } ], "Id": "525b4f07-0f67-43ac-8070-a0e6c1ceb1b9", "Name": "New Value" } ]
db<>fiddle here