I have a stored procedure that gives results depending on multiple values from the User(filtering), in my query I have 2 date columns date_start and date_end, I want to allow the user to return data depending on his selection from 2dropdownmenu
one for start date and the other for end date as this: (this day – this month – this year – All Data).
I’m working Using C# winform, all the search part is done and it’s working, but I can’t figure out how to add the query to the filter depending on the value coming from the dropdownmenu
current date : where date_start= cast(getdate() as Date)
current month: WHERE MONTH(date_start) = MONTH(CURRENT_DATE()) AND YEAR(date_start) = YEAR(CURRENT_DATE())
current year: where year(date_start) = year(getdate()) and datepart(dy, date_start) <= datepart(dy, getdate())
here is my stored producer:
ALTER procedure [dbo].[ContractsSearch] ( @cust_id nvarchar (10) = NULL, @name nvarchar (50) = NULL, @shop_id nvarchar (10) = NULL, @duration nvarchar (3) = NULL, @usage nvarchar (20) = NULL, @rent_type nvarchar (20) = NULL, @date_start nvarchar (20)= NULL, @date_end nvarchar (20)= NULL, @archive bit=NULL ) AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; SELECT dbo.contracts.ID, dbo.contracts.cust_id, dbo.customers.name, dbo.contracts.shop_id, dbo.contracts.duration, dbo.contracts.price, dbo.contracts.tax, dbo.contracts.usage, dbo.contracts.rent_type, dbo.contracts.price2, dbo.contracts.note2, dbo.contracts.date_start, dbo.contracts.date_end, dbo.contracts.note, dbo.contracts.app_user FROM dbo.customers INNER JOIN dbo.contracts ON dbo.customers.cust_id = dbo.contracts.cust_id WHERE (contracts.cust_id LIKE N'%' + @cust_id + '%' OR @cust_id IS NULL) AND (customers.name LIKE N'%' + @name + '%' OR @name IS NULL) AND (contracts.shop_id = @shop_id OR @shop_id='' OR @shop_id IS NULL) AND (contracts.duration= @duration OR @duration='' OR @duration IS NULL) AND (contracts.usage = @usage OR @usage=N'إختر نوع الإستعمال' OR @usage IS NULL) AND (contracts.rent_type = @rent_type OR @rent_type=N'إختر نوع الايحار' OR @rent_type IS NULL) AND (contracts.archive = @archive OR @archive IS NULL) END
With the help of comments, and especially from @Charlieface I created the Procedure, Thank you all. Here is the final procedure, and I welcome any improvements suggestions:
ALTER procedure [dbo].[ContractsSearch] ( @cust_id nvarchar (10) = NULL, @name nvarchar (50) = NULL, @shop_id nvarchar (10) = NULL, @duration nvarchar (3) = NULL, @usage nvarchar (20) = NULL, @rent_type nvarchar (20) = NULL, @date_start nvarchar (20) = NULL, @date_end nvarchar (20) = NULL, @archive bit=NULL ) AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; DECLARE @StartDate1 as date = NULL DECLARE @StartDate2 as date = NULL if @date_start = N'اليوم الحالي' BEGIN set @StartDate1 = DATEADD(DAY, 0, DATEDIFF(DAY, 0, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)) set @StartDate2 = DATEADD(DAY, 1, DATEDIFF(DAY, 0, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)) END ELSE if @date_start = N'الشهر الحالي' BEGIN set @StartDate1 = dateadd(m, datediff(m, 0, GetDate()), 0) set @StartDate2 = dateadd(m, datediff(m, -1, GetDate()), 0) END ELSE if @date_start = N'السنة الحالية' BEGIN set @StartDate1 = DATEADD(yy, DATEDIFF(yy, 0, GETDATE()), 0) set @StartDate2 = DATEADD(yy, DATEDIFF(yy, 0, GETDATE()) + 1, -1) END DECLARE @EndDate1 as date = NULL DECLARE @EndDate2 as date = NULL if @date_end = N'اليوم الحالي' BEGIN set @EndDate1 = DATEADD(DAY, 0, DATEDIFF(DAY, 0, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)) set @EndDate2 = DATEADD(DAY, 1, DATEDIFF(DAY, 0, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)) END ELSE if @date_end = N'الشهر الحالي' BEGIN set @EndDate1 = dateadd(m, datediff(m, 0, GetDate()), 0) set @EndDate2 = dateadd(m, datediff(m, -1, GetDate()), 0) END ELSE if @date_end = N'السنة الحالية' BEGIN set @EndDate1 = DATEADD(yy, DATEDIFF(yy, 0, GETDATE()), 0) set @EndDate2 = DATEADD(yy, DATEDIFF(yy, 0, GETDATE()) + 1, -1) END DECLARE @sql nvarchar(max) = N' SELECT dbo.contracts.ID, dbo.contracts.cust_id, dbo.customers.name, dbo.contracts.shop_id, dbo.contracts.duration, dbo.contracts.price, dbo.contracts.tax, dbo.contracts.usage, dbo.contracts.rent_type, dbo.contracts.price2, dbo.contracts.note2, dbo.contracts.date_start, dbo.contracts.date_end, dbo.contracts.note, dbo.contracts.app_user FROM dbo.customers INNER JOIN dbo.contracts ON dbo.customers.cust_id = dbo.contracts.cust_id WHERE 1 = 1' + CASE WHEN @cust_id !=NULL THEN N' AND contracts.cust_id LIKE char(37) + @cust_id + char(37)' ELSE N'' END + CASE WHEN @name !=NULL THEN N' AND customers.name LIKE char(37) + @name + char(37) ' ELSE N'' END + CASE WHEN @shop_id !=NULL THEN N' AND contracts.shop_id = @shop_id' ELSE N'' END + CASE WHEN @duration !=NULL THEN N' AND contracts.duration= @duration' ELSE N'' END + CASE WHEN @usage !=NULL OR @usage != N'إختر نوع الإستعمال' THEN N' AND contracts.usage = @usage' ELSE N'' END + CASE WHEN @rent_type !=NULL OR @rent_type!= N'إختر نوع الايحار' THEN N' AND contracts.rent_type = @rent_type' ELSE N'' END + CASE WHEN @date_start !=NULL OR @date_start != N'تاريخ البدء'THEN N' AND contracts.date_start >= @StartDate1 and contracts.date_start < @StartDate2' ELSE N'' END + CASE WHEN @date_end !=NULL OR @date_end !=N'تاريخ الإنتهاء' THEN N' AND contracts.date_end >= @EndDate1 and contracts.date_end < @EndDate2' ELSE N'' END + CASE WHEN @archive !=NULL THEN N' AND contracts.archive = @archive' ELSE N'' END; DECLARE @params nvarchar(max) = N' @cust_id nvarchar (10), @name nvarchar (50), @shop_id nvarchar (10), @duration nvarchar (3), @usage nvarchar (20), @rent_type nvarchar (20), @StartDate1 date, @StartDate2 date, @EndDate1 date, @EndDate2 date, @archive bit'; --PRINT @sql; EXEC sys.sp_executesql @sql, @params, @cust_id, @name, @shop_id, @duration, @usage, @rent_type, @StartDate1, @StartDate2, @EndDate1, @EndDate2 , @archive; END