I got many tables of which some end with digits (date).
Due to technical reasons I had to create a view on every table (just a workaround)
The current state is something like:
begin for i in (select table_name from user_tables where table_name like 'XXX_%' ) loop execute immediate 'CREATE VIEW '||replace(i.TABLE_NAME,'XXX_','YYY_')||' AS SELECT * FROM '||i.TABLE_NAME; end loop; end; /
All it does is creating views for every table which begins with ‘XXX_’. Its almost what I need.
But now, sometimes tablenames look like “XXX_tablename_20210302”, which is a manual backup.
Its not always 8 digits (date), sometimes shorter, soemtimes longer numbers. I would like to avoid all tables, which do have numbers in the end of the tablename (from right to left till first “_” checkup, its a number maybe?)
Does anyone know how to solve it?
Im kind of stuck here.
You can use regular expressions with regexp_like
create table xxx_t ( c1 int ); create table xxx_t_20210401 ( c1 int ); select table_name from user_tables where regexp_like ( table_name, '^XXX_.*[^0-9]+$' ); TABLE_NAME XXX_T
This finds all the tables that
- Start with XXX_
- Followed by any characters
- That do not end with a digit