We have below string column and having below data
and I want to find Null count present in string columns means how many times null value('') present in front of id column present in select statement
using big query.
Don’t use string position.
Expected output:
count of null ('')id =3 1st row,2nd row and 5th row
Below is for BigQuery Standard SQL
#standardSQL SELECT FORMAT( "count of null ('')id = %d. List of id is: %s", COUNT(*), STRING_AGG(CAST(ID AS STRING)) ) AS output FROM `project.dataset.table` WHERE REGEXP_CONTAINS(String, r"(?i)''s+(?:as|)s+(?:id|[id])")
if to apply to sample data from your question – the output is
Row output 1 count of null ('')id = 3. List of id is: 1,2,5