I have a problem to declare an Database Procedure, which includes an SQL Insert Into Statement with a subquery. I use an Oracle database. I get an errormessage, that tells me the From keyword was not found where expected (ORA-00923). Could somebody explain me, how I create this syntax error in the following example ?
DECLARE PROCEDURE myProcedure(schema in varchar2) AS BEGIN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'INSERT INTO ' || schema || '.myTable(column_1, column_2, column_3) ( SELECT extern_column_1, extern_column_2, extern_column 3 FROM ' || schema || '.myExternTable )'; END; BEGINN FOR S IN (SELECT * FROM ROOT_SCHEMA.myTableWithSchema) LOOP myProcedure(S.mySchemata); END LOOP COMMIT; END; /
Is there a problem with the sign ‘ in this code?. Thanks for helping me !
Remove the opening and closing braces around the select and use the below
PROCEDURE myProcedure(p_schema in varchar2) AS BEGIN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'INSERT INTO ' || p_schema || '.myTable(column_1, column_2, column_3) SELECT extern_column_1, extern_column_2, extern_column 3 FROM ' || p_schema ||'.myExternTable '; END;