I need to make a SQL query
table ‘records’ structure:
contact_id(integer), client_id(integer), worker_id(integer), statement_status(varchar), contact_ts(timestamp)
It has to show the following:
current date number of clients which last statement_status was 'interested' number of clients which last statement_status was 'not_interested' and previus status was 'not_present'
Could somebody help?
sample data:
contact_id client_id contact_ts worker_id statement_status '1', '181', '2017-09-24 03:38:31.000000', '107', 'voicemail' '2', '72', '2017-09-23 09:32:38.000000', '10', 'not_interested' '3', '277', '2017-09-22 07:06:16.000000', '119', 'interested' '4', '36', '2017-09-21 04:39:57.000000', '118', 'not_present' '5', '33', '2017-09-20 04:12:12.000000', '161', 'voicemail' '6', '244', '2017-09-19 02:26:30.000000', '13', 'not_interested' '7', '346', '2017-09-18 02:30:35.000000', '255', 'interested' '8', '128', '2017-09-17 06:20:13.000000', '52', 'not_present' '9', '33', '2017-09-16 08:58:02.000000', '188', 'not_present' '10', '352', '2017-09-15 08:18:40.000000', '324', 'not_interested' '11', '334', '2017-09-14 04:27:40.000000', '373', 'interested' '12', '2', '2017-09-13 08:44:40.000000', '40', 'not_present' '13', '33', '2017-09-12 03:46:16.000000', '252', 'voicemail' '14', '366', '2017-09-11 04:31:22.000000', '78', 'not_interested' '15', '184', '2017-09-10 06:08:01.000000', '289', 'interested' '16', '184', '2017-09-09 05:45:56.000000', '124', 'not_present' '17', '102', '2017-09-08 07:09:30.000000', '215', 'voicemail' '18', '140', '2017-09-07 08:09:18.000000', '196', 'not_interested' '19', '315', '2017-09-06 05:13:40.000000', '242', 'interested' '20', '268', '2017-09-05 07:41:40.000000', '351', 'not_present' '21', '89', '2017-09-04 05:32:05.000000', '232', 'voicemail'
desired output:
Time, interested, not-interested 2017-09-10 06:08:01, 5, 5
I tried something with sub queries, but it obviously doesn’t work:
SELECT GETDATE() ,(select count(*) from record a where (select statement_status from record where client_id == a.client_id order by a.contact_ts limit 1) == "interested" group by a.contact_id) ,(select count(*) from record a where (select (select statement_status from record where client_id == a.client_id order by a.contact_ts limit 2) order by a.contact_ts desc limit 1) == "interested" and (select statement_status from record where client_id == a.client_id order by a.contact_ts limit 1) == "interested" group by a.contact_id) from record b;
How should I use the inner selects?
I must write a poem, because most of my post is a code.
So maybe something from “Dead man”?
βDon’t let the sun burn a hole in your ass, William Blake. Rise now, and drive your cart and plough over the bones of the dead!β
Try something like this:
WITH status AS ( SELECT DISTINCT client_id, first_value(statement_status) OVER w1 AS last_status, nth_value(statement_status, 2) OVER w1 AS prev_status FROM records WINDOW w1 AS (PARTITION BY client_id ORDER BY contact_ts DESC RANGE BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING) ) SELECT CURRENT_DATE(), SUM(last_status = 'interested') AS interesed, SUM(last_status = 'not_interested' AND prev_status = 'not_present') AS not_interested FROM status