I have an application that’s running on two different machines. The use of the application is pretty simple, we scan a product and it associates the product_id and creates a Unique_ID that’s auto-incremental.
Ex: U00001 then the next is U00002
My problem is while both the machines are running, sometimes the Unique_ID is the same for two different products. It’s like the creation of the Unique_ID happens at the same time so it duplicates the entry.
What’s the best approach for this? Is it a connection problem?
You need a SEQUENCE
column, and then a computed column concatenates the U
onto it
CREATE TABLE YourTable ( ID int IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY, product_id varchar(30), Unique_ID AS FORMAT(ID, '"U"0000) )
CREATE SEQUENCE YourTable_IDs AS int START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 MAXVALUE 9999; CREATE TABLE YourTable ( ID int PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT (NEXT VALUE FOR YourTable_IDs), product_id varchar(30), Unique_ID AS FORMAT(ID, '"U"0000) )