I want to write a procedure that copies records from SYS.AUD$ to AUDIT_USER.AUDIT_HISTORY_TABLE and then TRUNCATE SYS.AUD$. I want Truncate to be executed ONLY if copy / insert went well.
So something like this:
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE proc_copy_records_and_then_delete IS BEGIN DECLARE number_of_records NUMBER(900000000) :=SELECT COUNT(*) FROM SYS.AUD$; insert into AUDIT_USER.AUDIT_HISTORY_TABLE select * from SYS.AUD$; IF number_of_records <= rows_inserted THEN COMMIT; TRUNCATE TABLE SYS.AUD$; /
So I just want to TRUNCATE TABLE SYS.AUD$ only if records were INSERTED into the other table.
you can try to do it that way. i didn’t test this solution, but it should give you an idea how you could do it
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE proc_copy_records_and_then_delete IS v_row_count number; BEGIN insert into AUDIT_USER.AUDIT_HISTORY_TABLE select * from SYS.AUD$; v_row_count := SQL%ROWCOUNT ; IF v_row_count > 0 THEN -- check if some rows where inserted INSERT INTO LOG_TABLE (TEXT) VALUES (v_row_count); COMMIT; execute immediate 'truncate table SYS.AUD$'; end if; end; /