I have a string as –
V_TAG_B = utm_source=google_search&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term={Keyword}&utm_campaign=home-|-SBI-|-search
I need to break this string into 4 small parts as –
V_UTM_SOURCE = utm_source=google_search& V_UTM_MEDIUM = utm_medium=cpc& V_UTM_TERM = utm_term={Keyword}& V_UTM_CAMPAIGN = utm_campaign=home-|-SBI-|-search
I need to do this because the string can be in any order such as utm_campaign coming first and utm_source is coming at last. So after breaking it into pieces i will concat it again and will match with our DB table in which a column have the same value as this string. I have achieved this using SUBSTR/INSTR combination as below –
-- Assigning First Keyword IF UPPER(SUBSTR(V_TAG_B, 1, INSTR(V_TAG_B, '=', 1, 1)-1)) LIKE '%UTM_SOURCE%' THEN V_UTM_SOURCE := SUBSTR(V_TAG_B, 1, INSTR(V_TAG_B, '&', 1, 1)); ELSIF UPPER(SUBSTR(V_TAG_B, 1, INSTR(V_TAG_B, '=', 1, 1)-1)) LIKE '%UTM_MEDIUM%' THEN V_UTM_MEDIUM := SUBSTR(V_TAG_B, 1, INSTR(V_TAG_B, '&', 1, 1)); ELSIF UPPER(SUBSTR(V_TAG_B, 1, INSTR(V_TAG_B, '=', 1, 1)-1)) LIKE '%UTM_TERM%' THEN V_UTM_TERM := SUBSTR(V_TAG_B, 1, INSTR(V_TAG_B, '&', 1, 1)); ELSE V_UTM_CAMPAIGN := SUBSTR(V_TAG_B, 1, INSTR(V_TAG_B, '&', 1, 1)); END IF; -- Assigning Second Keyword IF UPPER(SUBSTR(V_TAG_B, INSTR(V_TAG_B, '&', 1, 1)+1)) LIKE '%UTM_SOURCE%' THEN V_UTM_SOURCE := SUBSTR(SUBSTR(V_TAG_B, INSTR(V_TAG_B, '&', 1, 1)+1), 1, INSTR(SUBSTR(V_TAG_B, INSTR(V_TAG_B, '&', 1, 1)+1), '&', 1, 1)); ELSIF UPPER(SUBSTR(V_TAG_B, INSTR(V_TAG_B, '&', 1, 1)+1)) LIKE '%UTM_MEDIUM%' THEN V_UTM_MEDIUM := SUBSTR(SUBSTR(V_TAG_B, INSTR(V_TAG_B, '&', 1, 1)+1), 1, INSTR(SUBSTR(V_TAG_B, INSTR(V_TAG_B, '&', 1, 1)+1), '&', 1, 1)); ELSIF UPPER(SUBSTR(V_TAG_B, INSTR(V_TAG_B, '&', 1, 1)+1)) LIKE '%UTM_TERM%' THEN V_UTM_TERM := SUBSTR(SUBSTR(V_TAG_B, INSTR(V_TAG_B, '&', 1, 1)+1), 1, INSTR(SUBSTR(V_TAG_B, INSTR(V_TAG_B, '&', 1, 1)+1), '&', 1, 1)); ELSE V_UTM_CAMPAIGN := SUBSTR(SUBSTR(V_TAG_B, INSTR(V_TAG_B, '&', 1, 1)+1), 1, INSTR(SUBSTR(V_TAG_B, INSTR(V_TAG_B, '&', 1, 1)+1), '&', 1, 1)); END IF;
I guess this can be shortly and easily achieved using REGEXP SUBSTR also. Any help/suggestion is appreciated.
as following:
SQL> SELECT 2 REGEXP_SUBSTR(STR, 'utm_source=[^&]+') as V_UTM_SOURCE, 3 REGEXP_SUBSTR(STR, 'utm_medium=[^&]+') as V_UTM_MEDIUM, 4 REGEXP_SUBSTR(STR, 'utm_term=[^&]+') as V_UTM_TERM, 5 REGEXP_SUBSTR(STR, 'utm_campaign=[^&]+') as V_UTM_CAMPAIGN 6 FROM 7 ( SELECT 'V_TAG_B = utm_source=google_search&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term {Keyword}&utm_campaign=home-|-SBI-|-search' AS STR 8 FROM DUAL); V_UTM_SOURCE V_UTM_MEDIUM V_UTM_TERM V_UTM_CAMPAIGN ------------------------- -------------------- -------------------- --------------------------------- utm_source=google_search utm_medium=cpc utm_term={Keyword} utm_campaign=home-|-SBI-|-search SQL>