I want to automatically generate an unique entity field in Postgresql in following format:
“ССDDD” where “C” is a character and “D” is a digit.
For example “FG1752” or “HK9273”. How can this be implemented?
here is one way in mysql
SELECT concat(char(floor(rand() *(90-65+1)+65)), char(floor(rand() *(90-65+1)+65)), lpad(floor(rand() *(10000)),4,0) ) RandomAlphanumeric
in postgresql
SELECT concat(chr(floor(random() *(90-65+1)+65)::int), chr(floor(random() *(90-65+1)+65)::int), lpad(floor(random() *(10000))::varchar(4),4,'0') ) RandomAlphanumeric
I’m producing a random number between 65 and 90 which are ascii code for A to Z