I’m running this SQL statement
exec sp_executesql N'UPDATE dbo.PricingProfileRuleSetCondition SET RuleGroup = @p0, JoinClause = @p1, ColumnName = @p2, Operator = @p3, Value = @p4, RuleSetId = @p5 WHERE Id = @p6', N' @p0 int, @p1 nvarchar(4000), @p2 nvarchar(4000), @p3 nvarchar(4000), @p4 nvarchar(4000), @p5 bigint, @p6 bigint' , @p0=0, @p1=N'And', @p2=N'DMS.Finance.Entities.PartnerAccountTransactionAmountType.EnglishName', @p3=N'eq', @p4=N'dsaf', @p5=4, @p6=6
and I’m getting
Msg 8152, Level 16, State 2, Line 1 String or binary data would be truncated. The statement has been terminated.
A string you are trying to insert is longer than the max nr of charachters. E.g. like a string with 4001 charachters in a varchar(4000) datatype.