I need merge rows into one row for summary of calculation (SQL Server 2014).
My SQL query is:
SELECT [c].[Iso], SUM([r].[Quantity]) AS [Quantity], SUM([r].[Amount]) AS [Amount] FROM [CarReport].[dbo].[Refuelling] [r] INNER JOIN [CarReport].[dbo].[Currency] [c] ON [r].[CurrencyId] = [c].[CurrencyId] WHERE [r].[DataId] = 15 AND [r].[IsDeleted] = 0 GROUP BY [r].[CurrencyId], [c].[Iso]
Result of this query is:
CZK | 50.00 | 1350,00 EUR | 23.00 | 463,20
I would like to have this result:
CZK/EUR | 50.00/23.00 | 1350,00/463,20
When add new currency (x), the result of new currency must be appended:
CZK/EUR/x | 50.00/23.00/x | 1350,00/463,20/x
Can somebody please help me with this topic?
Many thanks
Something like this should work with earlier versions of MSSQL as well.
;with subQuery as ( -- paste your base query here -- extend it with one additional column: -- ,ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY ISO) RowNum ) select (select stuff((select '/' + convert(nvarchar(max), Iso) from subQuery order by RowNum for xml path('')), 1, 1, '')), (select stuff((select '/' + convert(nvarchar(max), Quantity) from subQuery order by RowNum for xml path('')), 1, 1, '')), (select stuff((select '/' + convert(nvarchar(max), Amount) from subQuery order by RowNum for xml path('')), 1, 1, ''))