How can I capture different columns into different variables like so (note this is only pseudocode so I am assuming it will cause errors. Example taken from here)
create or replace function get_film ( p_pattern varchar ) returns table ( film_title varchar, film_release_year int ) language plpgsql as $$ begin return query select title, release_year::integer from film where title ilike p_pattern; end;$$ create or replace function get_film_into_variables ( p_pattern varchar ) returns null language plpgsql as $$ declare v_title varchar, v_release_year integer begin SELECT get_film (p_pattern) INTO v_title, v_release_year; end;$$
Assuming you have some purpose for the variables after retrieving them not just ending the function your “get_film_into_variables” is almost there. But first let’s backup just a bit. A function that returns a table does just that, you can use the results just like a table stored on disk (it just goes away after query or calling function ends). To that end only a slight change to the “get_film_into_variables” function is required. The “get_film” becomes the object of the FROM clause. Also change the returns null, to returns void. So
create or replace function get_film_into_variables ( p_pattern varchar ) returns void language plpgsql as $$ declare v_title varchar; v_release_year integer; begin select * from get_film (p_pattern) INTO v_title, v_release_year; end; $$;
The above works for a single row returned by a function returning table. However for a return of multiple rows you process the results of the table returning function just lake you would an actual table – with a cursor.
create or replace function get_film_into_variables2(p_pattern varchar) returns void language plpgsql as $$ declare k_message_template constant text = 'The film "%s" was released in %s.'; v_title varchar; v_release_year integer; v_film_message varchar; c_film cursor (c_pattern varchar) for select * from get_film (c_pattern); begin open c_film (p_pattern); loop fetch c_film into v_title , v_release_year; exit when not found; v_film_message = format( k_message_template,v_title,v_release_year::text); raise notice using message = v_film_message; end loop; end; $$;
BTW: the get_film function can be turned into a SQL function. See fiddle here. For demo purposes get_film_into_variable routines return a message.