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Tag: sql

Alias for a mysql case statement

I would like to set an alias for the case statement in the following query. The query works fine but the last column header shows as the case statement in full. You can have a look at what I mean at dbfiddle. I am trying to get the difference between the current salary at a row and the next salary

Display data of a column as a row in Oracle

First of all, I would like to thank you so much for your time in advance. I have a table as shown below: I would like to display the data from the above table as shown below: If no data is present within the COL_DESC for a row then the data from the COL_NAME column needs to be displayed. I

(N + 1) selects problem with child Map-collection

friends! I have these entities: Document: and ChangeNotice: And these are my repositories: For Document: and for ChangeNotice: So, when i want to get Document with changeNotices, thats not a problem, i have only one select. But when i want to get ChangeNotice with documents – i have (n + 1), first for document, and n for changeNotices Map. I

inserting to database from query in python

I have a table of tweet data my_tweets containing these columns: tweet_id, text, created_at, sentiment My tweet data is being streamed live and simultaneously inserted into the table. I am writing code using Vader to get the sentiment of the text. At the moment, tweet_id, text, and created_at are all populated. I would like to use this query: SELECT *

How to select one random id from the child table?

I am using 10.4.13-MariaDB. I have a parent table and a child table. Parent table (tasks) In interface it looks like And I have a child table (puzzles) – puzzles table – puzzles can belong only to child themes I want to get ONE random PUZZLE from EACH LEVEL. How to write a proper query? Expected result: My fiddle:
