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Tag: sql

Hana SQL Logic needed

select groupid,count(value) as x from test_distinct_count group by rollup (groupid); This query gives output like : What i need is to display the value 5 for all the groupids in a column say Total. …

VPD Policy Function

I’m new to oracle security and I have a question about Virtual Private Database: Let’s assume i have the following table which is called “Payroll” created by a user called “PCM” EMP_ID …

Writing SAS dates to SQL Server databse

How to write SAS dates to Microsoft SQL Server 2016 Date data type in database? I got SAS data with a sas date DataEndDay and I want to write that into a database. The following bit is in use (buffer is just to speed up the testing-failing) : Of course because SAS dates are numbers, direct writing is going to

Mysql Procedure Syntax change to Firebird Procedure Syntax

I don’t know what’s different about the stored procedure of firebird syntax. MySql Procedure: How can I change this one syntax for Firebird stored procedure? Answer The equivalent in Firebird PSQL syntax would be simple assignment, so GEN_EXCEPTION_FROM = PSHIFTDTEFROM; See also Assignment Statements in the Firebird Language Reference. The full equivalent of the fragment shown in your question would

SQL Pivot String Data

I have a tables in SQL Server: Product Product Table: This is the output that I need: An ImageID can have maximum 3 ProductID It is not necessary that all ImageID will have 3 products [eg. ImageID=3] Answer Your were very close, you just needed to incorporate Row_Number() Example
