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How to update empty time in datetime MySQL

We are storing datetime in a column on our MySQL database, formatted in TEXT, but when our datetime is supposed to look like below: ‘xxxx-xx-xx 00:00:00’ The time is deleted or not show on our …

Use Datediff only if other column has specific value

What is the query for showing days_left in number of days but only if the status is ‘ongoing’, for the status that ‘done’ it just need to display ‘done’ value Current MySQL Query SELECT id, due_date,…

Filter and Match Column on a List of Substrings

I am attempting to filter a table of user actions on a list of specific actions. For example, given the following data I want all rows where the UserAction contains the strings “Account Creation” or “Attempt to create duplicate account”. I was able to achieve this with the following Linq, but the query’s performance caused the webpage to timeout and
